Biluochun Supreme, traditional green tea

Biluochun Supreme, traditional green tea

(1 customer review)

$ 34.40

The Aromatic Green Snail

These fragrant little leaves are so fluffy that one may want to make a down pillow out of them for sweet dreams every night. However, they are certainly not the softest tasting green tea. A fine Biluochun like Tea Hong’s does have a smooth body but enough character for optimal stimulation. Yet gentle enough to be one’s company throughout the day, even when you are searching deep inside for that piece of critical article you have to write, as those royals or literati did in old Qing China.

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Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack

Out of stock


馥郁上品 明前碧螺春

Taste profile

Nose: Warm, lively floral aroma with definitive undertone of baked mung bean and a slight tint of nutmeg and fennel seed. Palate: Smooth, yet vibrant infusion of a slightly malty sweet body accented with a slight fruity tang. Finish: Mildly malty aftertaste.

Infusion tip

Begin by using water at 85°C and a ratio of 1 g to 100 ml water for smaller vessels, half that for infusions larger than 750 ml. Try 4 min initially for smaller pots and at least 6 min for larger ones.

Raise the temperature for more sharpness and aroma. Reduce infusion time for even softer body. Increase it for more umami. This tea can be sharper when using higher temperature or higher leaf ratio.

60,000 plucks for 500 grams

Infused leaf size comparison

The infused leaves of a tea reflect a few things about the tea. Leaf size is one aspect of study. From left: Huangshan Spring Equinox, Taiping Houkui Traditional, Biluochun Supreme, Longjing Pure

It is said that they need sixty thousand plucks to make 500 grams of Biluochun. We have not really counted, but this surely is the tiniest leaf size in our whole collection. What does a small leaf size mean? Other than that the leaves are very young and therefore containing a high density of the potent of all tea polyphenols, it also means a lot more hard work per gram of tea!

The photograph above is a non-retouched, single shot of the infused leaves of four green teas. The leaves are put side by side on top of a light box to void background distraction.

From left to right: Huangshan Spring Equinox, Taiping Houkui Traditional, Biluochun Supreme, Longjing Pure.

Additional information

Weight 100 g
Dimensions 18 × 9 × 5 cm
Net weight:

Tea category:





TCM character:


Infusion color:



  1. It’s been a few years since I’ve had Biluochun and I figured, based on my experiences so far with Tea Hong, that I should pick up a bag and try it out. I’m glad I did – this is very good tea.

    To me, a good Biluochun represents a harmonious balance of seemingly-opposite forces. It should be a humble tea with a bold character. It should have small buds that pack huge flavor, a gentle body that imparts a powerful feeling, and a smooth mouthfeel with texture in the aftertaste. Good Biluochun moves softly across the palate, and sits heavily in the body.

    This Biluochun is all of those things and more. I find this tea to be very stimulating, but calming and grounding. The qi is powerful, but centering and not overwhelming.

    When brewing this tea, I avoid pouring water directly over the leaves … I find subtle details like that can make overt differences with special teas like this.

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