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What they say about specific products

Some customers have shared what they think about a product by posting reviews in the product pages. There are quite a number of them. These are a few arbitrarily selected by a computer script to display below.

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  • Luan Guapian Supreme, traditional green tea

    Beautiful tea

    I don’t have a lot of experience with different kinds of tea, but this one is so different that I want to write about it here. It has a fullest, roundest body and silkiest texture I have ever experienced with tea. I have not expected tea to be like that before and I totally love it!

    Jean V. Young
  • Danhu Old Bush Song Cultivar, Phoenix dancong oolong

    It took some time for me to fully understand this tea since there are many more aspects to research and enjoy.
    It is complex but simple. The citrus note takes the center of the stage at all movements. Aroma, taste, mouthfeel, aftertaste and even the body sensation from it’s force are resemble to my experiences with good citrus fruits. This tea can dive deep and pull me to the bottom of my mind and bring enjoyment from the ground up.

    This tea is the cornerstone of my life experience and it will always find its place in my heart.

    Danupon S.
  • Tieguanyin Floral, bouquet oolong

    An excellent floral-style Jin Guanyin that maintains its balance and does not lean too heavily into the “green” qualities that seem to dominate the market in modern times.

    This is a very easy-going daily-drinker that provides sweet fruity undertones, reminiscent of peaches and osmanthus, coupled with floral aromatics and a mellow body that mingle together perfectly to create a consistent and enjoyable cup, from first sip to aftertaste.

    It resists turning bitter or sharp & herbaceous in the cup, even when brewed Western-style for a long time. The price to quality ratio is outstanding, and makes this the perfect entry-point for somebody looking to explore the wonderful world of oolong.

  • Honey Pearl Pekoe, fresh jasmine scented green tea


    我有十幾年做茶友的經驗,自然會去不同地方買茶。最初見到這隻小龍珠価錢計起來要70多元一両,有點貴,便沒有理會。上星期要送禮給一女性友人,知她喜歡茉莉花茶,見這裡可一包配二筒可成一盒小禮物,便買了一包桂花香單樅、一筒我最喜愛的龍井、及一筒這個小龍珠送她。打開禮物後她開心到不得了,說從未見過這樣大方簡樸又環保的茶葉包裝。雖然她沒有先開我最想向她介紹的正宗口味龍井,而是先開了小龍珠,但我反而連自己也覺得驚喜。因為我沒有想到原來茉莉花茶也可有這樣樣優雅品味的。那香不但沒有一般花茶庸俗的感覺,清香甜美而又持久,茶湯亦是出人意表地順滑豐富。早年初為茶道時,試過了不少類似東西,到今時今日,方知此茶的原貌。Leo, 謝謝你!

    Longjing 43
  • White Tea of Anji, traditional green tea

    This is a top-shelf umami bomb with a nice felt effect in the body and mind. Anji Baicha is a special cultivar, not only for its distinct appearance due to a genetic mutation, but also its unique molecular composition.

    The cultivar used to make the authentic version of this tea is rich in L-theanine and amino acids. As a result of the genetic mutation which limits chlorophyll biosynthesis, more of the building blocks for this green pigment are shuffled off to producing amino acids which give Anji Baicha its characteristically thick, brothy like qualities and savory mouthfeel. Even the aroma coming off the dry leaf is mesmerizing in its pungency.

    In the cup, the flavor profile of Tea Hong’s Anji Baicha is superb – even though the mouthfeel is so thick you could cut it with a knife, it still manages to capture and hold many delicate flavors in perfect harmony with each other. There’s some distinct sweetness, an herbaceous quality, creamy florals and warm spices that sit in perfect unison on top of a colossal wave of umami that sits deeply in the body and really relaxes the mind.

    The aftertaste is lubricating and does not dry the palate out. This “wetting” effect amplifies the length of the aftertaste and keeps the amino acids coating the tongue and extending that powerful umami quality long after the session is over.

    The sensations felt in the body are wonderful, and I think one of the primary reasons why anybody and everybody should try this tea. The high concentration of amino acids induces a state of being calm yet alert, relaxed yet focused.

    If you have never tried Anji Baicha before, this is the one to try, because it is a top-shelf representation of the cultivar at a very modest price. Quality of this caliber is pretty much always more expensive.

  • Bell Shape Utility Gaiwan


    I thought I was going to be the first one to write a review for this one but found someone else ahead of me 🙁 Anyway, this is the best quality I can get for this price, even when compared to the shops I know in China!


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