Decanting tea from a gaiwan

Does your Honey Orchid Supreme taste too bitter?

Or any other tea, for that matter?
Hello reader,

We receive enquiries about tea preparation from time to time, but a recent one is particularly interesting. It involves the core of tea enjoyment and a tea that I personally have a strong tie with. I answered that email myself and reflecting back a couple of days later, think that the content should be shared with everyone else:

However, I am having a bit of trouble with the Honey Orchid Supreme since for some reason I always get bitter notes in my brews of that tea. By base infusion is 4-5g in a 140ml Chaozhou clay pot and brewed at 90 degrees for about 30 seconds...
We are privileged to have customers like this enquirer, who takes tea infusion seriously and willing to share his questions and experience with us. Like the many meaningful product reviews that some of you have posted, his presence gives more validity to our efforts.

Please do continue to bestow your experience, queries and comments. In making fine tea a meaningful shared habit, you and us are one team.

Sincerely yours,
Leo Kwan

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