9 types of oolong teas each formed into a dragon, posed around a teacup and a tea gaiwan filled with tea.

Nine Oolong Samplers

Tea Taster's Box
Hello reader,

Allow me to introduce this new product:

Nine varieties selected from Tea Hong’s extensive oolong repertoire for celebrating the great diversity in this most vibrant tea category, the Nine Oolong Samplers Tea Taster’s Box is for anyone who would like to explore the true quality, true taste of the different natural taste profiles of these 9 representative selections.

The original category name — oolong — was romanised from a Southern Chinese language, likely in one of the Cantonese dialects widely spoken amongst tea traders who travelled between the Xiamen-Chaozhou areas and the export port of Canton. In the original language, the term simply means “black dragon”, a fancy way to depict the earlier shape of the oolong tea leaf — a swirly form rather like the mystic animal motif found in many traditional crafts.

Hence the Chinese name of this product, Nine Dragons Play Water — 九龍戲水

Indeed to experience the possibilities of any one single selection, steeping the tea using various methods, parameters and even infusing vessels would give a different result. There maybe many reasons why people can be so attached to this tea category, but perhaps this “playing” with the tea and water is one.

Happy steeping,
Leo Kwan
True Quality. True Taste.
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