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101-108 of 108 products

  • Pasha 2013, matured shengcha pu'er
    $ 280.00$ 1,813.00

    Pasha 2013, matured Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Zou Bing Liang’s master piece

    In the first decade of my tea career I used to neglect shengcha puer as an over-hyped lot. Poor products flooded so much of the market that the category alienated itself from me as a tea lover. Pasha changed all that. Its beautiful complexity converted me. From there on I have made a conscious effort in screening true gems amidst crowds of trite. ( Isn’t that true in all other tea varieties as well?) Shengcha from various subregions now has earned a place in my own repertoire. That from Pasha, however, is still my most preferred. Master Zou’s ( Lao Tong Zhi ) team has certainly done a very good job in making this cha bing. This batch was exactly the same one that I tasted in his workshop in Yunnan and when I was converted and decided that I would carry the tea. These years of maturing have most wonderfully brought more depth and body to both the aroma and taste. We have set it at the lower market price available anywhere in the hope that more can experience this amazing tea. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings. If you are interested, a loose leaf Pu'er shengcha also from Pasha is available in the shop: Pasha Old Tree  Trinity class iconInfusion colour: Maple syrupTCM Neutral-cool iconTea Master's Choice iconGreat value! Net weight per discus: 500 g (17.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 280.00$ 1,813.00
    $ 280.00$ 1,813.00
  • The dry tealeaves of North Peak, showing large tightly rolled kernals that is semi-glossy in deep shades of brown
    $ 25.10

    North Peak, deep baked Taiwan oolong

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    A Wuyi reborn in Taiwan

    In Taiwan, besides the famous tea mountain of Dong Ding (Cold Peak), there are actually many other areas where the horticultural conditions are good for finer tea production. Such as the Bei Shan (i.e. North Peak) area that is has an 1,100m altitude and near the centre of the whole Taiwan Island, in Nantou County. The Tsai family does not have the resources to get an international organic certification, but they run the farm according to organic practices with the help of the local university, much like Master Yu who makes our GABA teas. Tea Hong’s North Peak is an oolong optimally deep baked for aroma and caramelisation. It is produced by the Tsai family using a Wuyi Shuixian cultivar that is localised and quite different from any Wuyi oolongs from Wuyi. You will find it softer and slightly sweeter. Interestingly, that is very much a Taiwan style, gentler in every way. Delta class iconInfusion colour: GoldTCM Neutral-warm Energy Tea Master's ChoiceStaff Pick iconGreat value! Net weight: 70 g (2.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow pack
    $ 25.10
    $ 25.10
  • Tea made from the Yiwu Zheng Shan cha bing
    $ 130.00$ 810.00

    Yiwu Zheng Shan 2018, Aged Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Huimin authentic old tree series: Mount Yiwu proper

    This aged Yiwu may present itself a little softer in the start, but its energy lingers and grows, alive beyond the taste faculty. Yiwu maybe known as one of the softest in the shengcha category, yet properly infused, it can actually be quite powerful. Originated in the deep mountain ranges along the border with Laos, where the weather can be as unpredictable as the wild life one may encounter, the biochemistry of the leaves is as lively and interesting to learn. There are people who prefer this tea quite fresh, but in our opinion it is better aged for a few years. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings. Delta class iconInfusion colour: Maple syrupTCM Cool EnergyStaff Pick icon Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 130.00$ 810.00
    $ 130.00$ 810.00
  • Pasha Old Tree shengcha pu'er maocha
    $ 25.70

    Pasha Old Tree 2017, shengcha Pu’er maocha

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    Maocha from Wild Old Trees

    Of all the sub-regions in Yunnan, Pasha is my personal favourite for shengcha. Its yields are typically more floral, rounder and sweeter yet still carrying the terra’s characters of a little punch. We have included also a cha bing (Pasha 2013) in our Pu’er offering in addition to this premium harvest loose leaf maocha. Although both are produced with top picks from this same area, the two different forms deliver different, yet somehow related taste profiles. The pure, gentle, direct and honest rawness of the loose leaf is a different kind of enjoyment from the transformed taste characteristics of the compressed form. Similar leaves, two teas. Compare them to find out which one you like better. It may tell a thing or two about yourself. We have matured the loose leaf for 7 years before making it available for a better representation of the true Pasha quality.
    Taichi icon Infusion colour: Gold TCM Cold energy Tea Master's Choice icon Great value!
    Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 25.70
    $ 25.70
  • The crystal bright red liquor of Royal Black classic black tea
    $ 23.40

    Royal Black, classic black tea from the Himalayas

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    An Easy and Versatile Fine Tea

    Royal Black is one of those teas that is good as is even when strongly brewed, and fantastic with added milk, or honey and lemon for that matter. It holds its finesse in the casual handling of daily use. The deeper oxidation and baking executed onto these selectively slightly larger size young leaves give the tea a sweeter, fruitier and more straightforward taste profile that makes it a comforting sip. Handpicked in Spring from the slope of the Himalayas in Dhankuta, Nepal, and processed with the mastery of traditional black tea, this certified organic product distinguishes itself from most other organic teas available out there with a classic black tea taste that is rare in those other products. Delta class iconInfusion colour: WolfberryTCM Neutral-warm Energy TaichiStaff Pick iconEU certified Organic Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 23.40
    $ 23.40
  • Moss Island — Bing Dao maocha, a Pu'er shengcha
    $ 21.30

    Moss Island 2018, shengcha Pu’er maocha

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    Bing Dao Maocha

    Leaves from Bing Dao look definitively different as from, say, those of Pasha. It is a different variety of Yunnan Da Ye tea tree1 — Mengku Da Ye (Mengku Big Leaf), that differentiates itself not only with the larger leaf size, but also an accent of crispy sweetness. It is believed that Bing Dao — Island of Moss2 — is the birthplace of the tea tree variety. Variants and cultivars of Mengku Da Ye are used popularly in the county of Mengku3 for both black and pu'er tea production. Some say it began in late 15th century when a governor asked locals to plant 200 seeds here to start tea production. That would become the tens of thousand in this area where the Mengku variety is found to be genetically the most pure. Less than 20% of variation in their DNA, quite impressive for over 500 years of unmanaged sexual propagation in the wild. I think this batch is exceptional in manifesting the characteristics of this unique tea tree. It is a premium harvest. If you are interested, compare this loose leaf form with the compressed form » Bing Dao 2014 that is also available at Tea Hong.
    Delta class icon Canary TCM Cold energy Tea Master's Choice icon Great value!
    Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 21.30
    $ 21.30
  • Bulang Peacock 2018, Aged Pu’er shengcha: a full stack, open
    $ 39.00$ 238.00

    Bulang Peacock 2018, aged Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    A Xishuangbanna classic

    Some believe that tea originated in an area bordering Yunnan, Laos and Myanmar. Bulang Mountain lies in the middle of that within the province of Yunnan on the southern tip of an area called Xishuangbanna. Shengcha from this area is rich with flavours and not overtly strong. We have picked a good value production as an optional entry point for exploring this category of tea. Southern Yunnan is also home to the peacock, the beautiful bird that the indigenous tribes love as a symbol of grace and peace. A good tea is exactly that. Connoisseur classInfusion colour: GoldTCM Cool EnergyGreat value! Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 39.00$ 238.00
    $ 39.00$ 238.00
  • Mengku maocha, pu'er shengcha tea
    $ 16.90

    Western Half of the Mountain, shengcha Pu’er maocha

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    Mengku Maocha 2015 — Mengku Xi Ban Shan

    Rough terrains, with altitudes ranging from 1000’s to over 3000 m make up almost 100% of the total 475 km2 of Mengku, in the subregion of Lincang in Yunnan. The uneven landscape is interlaced with huge rocks and subtropical forests. That may explain why for over 500 years the production of tea has been a major means of livelihood for the indigenous tribes here. Old tea trees exist in patches here and there. Sometimes there is a single huge one which immediate surrounding would be cleared for pickers to work during harvests. While leaves from the east side of this cluster of mountains are known for their strong character, those produced on the west side are sweeter, silkier and more gentle. I think the latter is better in the form of maocha. We have matured this batch for 9 years for your better enjoyment, and friendlier to the stomach.
    Connoisseur Class icon Infusion colour: Gold TCM Cold energy Staff Pick icon Great value!
    Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 16.90
    $ 16.90