Fuller Bodies


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Gourmets’ delights. Steep them lightly for milder tastes, or properly to discover a new horizon in the world of real tea. Our lineup includes varieties that are easily appreciable by the novice, and also some for seasoned connoisseurs.

  • The curly dry leaves of Tea Hong's GABA Bouquet white tea
    $ 20.40

    GABA Bouquet, a special white tea

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    A very rare white tea

    Mr Yu rarely wears shoes and walks in his little tea fields barefooted. He loves the contact with the soil that he keeps so naturally fertile, and uncontaminated. So much so that we smell the sweetness walking into his garden. He brews his own fertilisers and devises various ways of natural pest control. He is so into natural farming that a national university has setup quite a few joint projects with him. He totally worships Nature but his hobby is mechanical engineering. He proudly showed me the GABA deoxygenation tank that he modified and explained to me how it is better in processing the tea. Tea Hong’s GABA Bouquet is an invention by him. I have yet to find another tea with this kind of fruity bouquet, smoothness and even a good umami tone. He tried quite a few times before arriving at this distinctive taste quality. This is a rare batch and we can only restock when everything will work the same in the next production. It’s all dependent on Nature after all. Delta class iconCanaryTCM NeutralTea Master's ChoiceStaff Pick iconGreat value! Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Wide kraft-alu pack
    $ 20.40
    $ 20.40
  • The dry tealeaves of North Peak, showing large tightly rolled kernals that is semi-glossy in deep shades of brown
    $ 25.10

    North Peak, deep baked Taiwan oolong

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    A Wuyi reborn in Taiwan

    In Taiwan, besides the famous tea mountain of Dong Ding (Cold Peak), there are actually many other areas where the horticultural conditions are good for finer tea production. Such as the Bei Shan (i.e. North Peak) area that is has an 1,100m altitude and near the centre of the whole Taiwan Island, in Nantou County. The Tsai family does not have the resources to get an international organic certification, but they run the farm according to organic practices with the help of the local university, much like Master Yu who makes our GABA teas. Tea Hong’s North Peak is an oolong optimally deep baked for aroma and caramelisation. It is produced by the Tsai family using a Wuyi Shuixian cultivar that is localised and quite different from any Wuyi oolongs from Wuyi. You will find it softer and slightly sweeter. Interestingly, that is very much a Taiwan style, gentler in every way. Delta class iconInfusion colour: GoldTCM Neutral-warm Energy Tea Master's ChoiceStaff Pick iconGreat value! Net weight: 70 g (2.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow pack
    $ 25.10
    $ 25.10
  • The tealeaves of Phoenix Petiole leaf stalk oolong
    $ 20.10

    Phoenix Petioles 1988, matured leaf stalk oolong

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    Phoenix tea farmers’ tea

    In Phoenix, before a tea goes through the last round of baking to be ready for consumption, it is sorted manually to get rid of the leaf stalks (i.e. petioles), broken leaves, and other leaves that are not as nicely rolled or processed as the others (aka Yu Ye). The producer retains such “refuse”, rebakes it and keep it for personal use or give it out to their neighbours and relatives. They call it cha tou or thê-tao in the local language, as in “Tea Head”*. Provided the right quality, the taste of thê-tao, despite their irregularity in appearance, is actually sweeter and softer than the leaf tea from the same plant and a lot more flexible and tolerant with brewing mistakes. Presenting Tea Hong’s Phoenix Petioles 1988, a thê-tao collected between 1985 to 1988 by our top Phoenix producer. Because of the decades long maturity given onto the tea, it exhibits a post-fermentation characteristics somewhat alike those of finer shu cha Pu’ers — earthy, woodsy, herbal and pacifyingly herbal sweet, combined with an underlying and unmistakable matured Phoenix undertone. A unique taste experience unlike anything else. Delta class iconInfusion colour: RosewoodTCM NeutralStaff pickGreat Value icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 20.10
    $ 20.10
  • $ 27.80

    Honey Orchid XO 1992, matured Phoenix Dancong oolong

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    A local tea master's special reserve

    In the Phoenix Mountain area, where some superrich and those in powerful positions would send their chauffeurs to collect teas from certain tea farms at hundreds of thousands per kilo even when the tea is barely baked after processing, there are certain farmers whose own personal tea is never this “fresh”. They actually store their tea in tight tins for many years before opening it again for their own private enjoyment. This practice is more common amongst older farmers, and in other oolong regions as well. It is believed that Phoenix oolongs having been matured for decades are friendlier to the stomach. Although they would not be as as bright, floral or vibrant as younger ones, they are overall a lot more soothing, calming and indeed, comforting. Tea Hong’s Honey Orchid XO (Extra Old) 1992 delivers a much softer, smoother body with that signature honey sweetness but in the warm humbleness akin to a very fine shu cha Pu’er. If the other fresher Honey Orchid we offer is a Van Gogh, this XO version is a Rothko, metamorphically speaking*. Taichi classInfusion colour: Dark AmberTCM NeutralStaff pickTea Master's Choice Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 27.80
    $ 27.80
  • Moss Island — Bing Dao maocha, a Pu'er shengcha
    $ 21.30

    Moss Island 2018, shengcha Pu’er maocha

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    Bing Dao Maocha

    Leaves from Bing Dao look definitively different as from, say, those of Pasha. It is a different variety of Yunnan Da Ye tea tree1 — Mengku Da Ye (Mengku Big Leaf), that differentiates itself not only with the larger leaf size, but also an accent of crispy sweetness. It is believed that Bing Dao — Island of Moss2 — is the birthplace of the tea tree variety. Variants and cultivars of Mengku Da Ye are used popularly in the county of Mengku3 for both black and pu'er tea production. Some say it began in late 15th century when a governor asked locals to plant 200 seeds here to start tea production. That would become the tens of thousand in this area where the Mengku variety is found to be genetically the most pure. Less than 20% of variation in their DNA, quite impressive for over 500 years of unmanaged sexual propagation in the wild. I think this batch is exceptional in manifesting the characteristics of this unique tea tree. It is a premium harvest. If you are interested, compare this loose leaf form with the compressed form » Bing Dao 2014 that is also available at Tea Hong.
    Delta class icon Canary TCM Cold energy Tea Master's Choice icon Great value!
    Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 21.30
    $ 21.30
  • Pasha Old Tree shengcha pu'er maocha
    $ 25.70

    Pasha Old Tree 2017, shengcha Pu’er maocha

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    Maocha from Wild Old Trees

    Of all the sub-regions in Yunnan, Pasha is my personal favourite for shengcha. Its yields are typically more floral, rounder and sweeter yet still carrying the terra’s characters of a little punch. We have included also a cha bing (Pasha 2013) in our Pu’er offering in addition to this premium harvest loose leaf maocha. Although both are produced with top picks from this same area, the two different forms deliver different, yet somehow related taste profiles. The pure, gentle, direct and honest rawness of the loose leaf is a different kind of enjoyment from the transformed taste characteristics of the compressed form. Similar leaves, two teas. Compare them to find out which one you like better. It may tell a thing or two about yourself. We have matured the loose leaf for 7 years before making it available for a better representation of the true Pasha quality.
    Taichi icon Infusion colour: Gold TCM Cold energy Tea Master's Choice icon Great value!
    Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 25.70
    $ 25.70
  • The crystal bright red liquor of Royal Black classic black tea
    $ 23.40

    Royal Black, classic black tea from the Himalayas

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    An Easy and Versatile Fine Tea

    Royal Black is one of those teas that is good as is even when strongly brewed, and fantastic with added milk, or honey and lemon for that matter. It holds its finesse in the casual handling of daily use. The deeper oxidation and baking executed onto these selectively slightly larger size young leaves give the tea a sweeter, fruitier and more straightforward taste profile that makes it a comforting sip. Handpicked in Spring from the slope of the Himalayas in Dhankuta, Nepal, and processed with the mastery of traditional black tea, this certified organic product distinguishes itself from most other organic teas available out there with a classic black tea taste that is rare in those other products. Delta class iconInfusion colour: WolfberryTCM Neutral-warm Energy TaichiStaff Pick iconEU certified Organic Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 23.40
    $ 23.40
  • Sold out
    Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings, inside
    $ 59.80

    Tea Taster’s Box: Shengcha Pu’er Cha Bings

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    If perhaps breaking that beautifully formed tea discus is a little too harsh for your sensitivity, or a bit too inconvenient for your precious teatime, we are doing the job for you; Tea Hong’s Shengcha Pu’er Cha Bings Tea Taster’s Box is a collection of 4 of our tea discuses each in a 30 gram package in small chunks. Now you can sample our most prized Pasha 2013 plus three others high price varieties at the price of an average cha bing. Since we break one piece of each at a time by hand so as to keep the chunks freshly chipped, there are 9 packs only each time. Be prepared for sudden out of stock until we can do the chipping again. Have fun tasting! Contents: 4 packs of chipped cha bing, approx 30 g net weight each pack, in corrugated card box
    $ 59.80
    $ 59.80
  • Moon Drops Himalayas, deeper flavour white tea
    $ 29.30

    Moon Drops Himalayas, deep oxidation Nepali white tea

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    When a Taiwanese marries a Japanese in Nepal

    The tougher terroir of the Himalayas usually gives a more rugged characteristic to the yield. Yet the ingenious farmer of Tea Hong's Moon Drop Himalayas has employed the creamy Jinxuan ( 金萱 ) cultivar from Taiwan and the umami Yabukita ( やぶきた ) from Japan to produce this tea. Their softer nature most definitely tones down the harsher growing environment to give this tea an extraordinarily round body, accompanied with a sweetness and bouquet that one can hardly find in any other South Asian productions. An extra step of rolling is added to the end of the white tea withering process to develop more depth in the taste profile. This is indeed an unusual gem of white tea. However, maintaining the East Asian tea plants in the Himalayas is not an easy job and getting a good yield from them is even more demanding. We have been following this tea for almost a decade before deciding to carry it. A fine batch as this one on offer is rare. Taichi ClassInfusion colorTCM NeutralTea Master's ChoiceStaff Pick iconEU certified Organic Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 29.30
    $ 29.30
  • Bamboo Leaf traditional green tea
    $ 32.70

    Bamboo Leaf, traditional green tea

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    Zhuye Qingding — a rare shoot leaf green tea

    Some people like their green tea soft and sweet, others may prefer a good umami. Yet this leaf shoot tea is neither. Its brisk, lively full body is accentuated with a refreshing aroma and a distinct note of bitterness. After Longjing, of all the other green teas from the Zhejiang region, my personal strongest preference goes to this traditional green tea form of Bamboo Leaf produced in Kaihua. To me it is an alternative to a shot of single malt in the evening, or an afternoon kick of espresso. Maybe more pleasant and invigorating. This style form is produced in a few other tea regions in China. The taste profile does vary from region to region, and even from farm to farm, tea master to tea master. In Emei Shan in Szechuan, the traditional form style name, Zhu Ye Qing, which transliterates as Bamboo Leaf Green, is registered as a brand name by a powerful local tea company. Other farmers and tea companies who have been producing in this same style form are then required by law to sell their products in different names. One of them is Mingshan Shihua. Tea Hong's Bamboo Leaf is a rare quality representing not only the broader taste profile of this style form, but also the intriguing intricacy that gives true quality tea its elevating magic.
    Trinity class icon Morning sun yellow TCM Cool Energy Tea Master's Choice icon
    Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 32.70
    $ 32.70
  • Lao Ban Zhang 2016, Aged Pu’er shengcha
    $ 64.40$ 408.00

    Lao Ban Zhang 2016, aged Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Renowned origin harvest by a small producer

    Lao Ban Zhang is one of the, if not the most sought after origin for premium pu’er. Rather like pursuing a rare wine, people don’t expect a sweet or easy palatial experience but one with character and strength. The tea is known for its long lasting linger. Some refer to it as “cha qi”. A really good one from the “old estate” costs a crazy fortune nowadays. Yet one from a good fringe area by a small workshop can be a lot more accessible. Let us know how you like this compared with other pu’ers. Connoisseur classInfusion colour: GoldTCM Cool EnergyGreat value! Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 64.40$ 408.00
    $ 64.40$ 408.00
  • Pasha 2013, matured shengcha pu'er
    $ 280.00$ 1,813.00

    Pasha 2013, matured Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Zou Bing Liang’s master piece

    In the first decade of my tea career I used to neglect shengcha puer as an over-hyped lot. Poor products flooded so much of the market that the category alienated itself from me as a tea lover. Pasha changed all that. Its beautiful complexity converted me. From there on I have made a conscious effort in screening true gems amidst crowds of trite. ( Isn’t that true in all other tea varieties as well?) Shengcha from various subregions now has earned a place in my own repertoire. That from Pasha, however, is still my most preferred. Master Zou’s ( Lao Tong Zhi ) team has certainly done a very good job in making this cha bing. This batch was exactly the same one that I tasted in his workshop in Yunnan and when I was converted and decided that I would carry the tea. These years of maturing have most wonderfully brought more depth and body to both the aroma and taste. We have set it at the lower market price available anywhere in the hope that more can experience this amazing tea. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings. If you are interested, a loose leaf Pu'er shengcha also from Pasha is available in the shop: Pasha Old Tree  Trinity class iconInfusion colour: Maple syrupTCM Neutral-cool iconTea Master's Choice iconGreat value! Net weight per discus: 500 g (17.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 280.00$ 1,813.00
    $ 280.00$ 1,813.00
  • Tea made from the Yiwu Zheng Shan cha bing
    $ 130.00$ 810.00

    Yiwu Zheng Shan 2018, Aged Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Huimin authentic old tree series: Mount Yiwu proper

    This aged Yiwu may present itself a little softer in the start, but its energy lingers and grows, alive beyond the taste faculty. Yiwu maybe known as one of the softest in the shengcha category, yet properly infused, it can actually be quite powerful. Originated in the deep mountain ranges along the border with Laos, where the weather can be as unpredictable as the wild life one may encounter, the biochemistry of the leaves is as lively and interesting to learn. There are people who prefer this tea quite fresh, but in our opinion it is better aged for a few years. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings. Delta class iconInfusion colour: Maple syrupTCM Cool EnergyStaff Pick icon Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 130.00$ 810.00
    $ 130.00$ 810.00
  • Shen Shan Lao Shu 2012, matured Pu'er shengcha
    $ 59.00$ 374.00

    Shenshan Laoshu 2012, matured Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Deep Mountain Old Trees

    There are harvests from less than famous areas that can be taste worthy. That is why each producer has their own products carrying more generic names as “Deep Mountain Old Trees”, and sell them at much lower price than those with names from more sought after mountains. Some are better value than others. To me, I think this Shenshan Laoshu from Huimin Tea Factory is worth at least three times its ticket value for a body and aroma worthy of a place in the famous mountain rank. It is actually one the best generic name discus we have ever tasted, regardless of the price. One reason they can do that is their collection points spreading deep in Lincang, an area famous for its many famous tea mountains. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings. Connoisseur Class iconInfusion colour: Maple syrupTCM Neutral-cool iconStaff Pick iconGreat value! Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 59.00$ 374.00
    $ 59.00$ 374.00
  • Bing Dao 2014, matured Pu'er shengcha: back, unwrapped
    $ 81.00$ 515.00

    Bing Dao 2014, matured Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Stone-pressed first flush from old trees

    Old native tea trees populate the rich forests in Lincang, a revered sub-region in Yunnan. Productions from the most famous mountains here almost always come from inside an area called Mengku. One mountain is Bing Dao, which is in fact the name of a lake 1400 meter above sea level. Mountains surrounding this long stretch of water, enriched by the ecology, yield tea leaves rich in minerals and amino acids. Bing Dao is not famous for floral nor fruitiness, but for the power and length of its “cha qi” — tea energy. Tea Hong’s house matured Bing Dao is a top quality representation of the name at an exceptionally friendly price. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings. Chrysanthemum classInfusion colour: Maple syrupTCM Neutral-cool iconTea Master's Choice iconGreat value! Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 81.00$ 515.00
    $ 81.00$ 515.00
  • Bulang Peacock 2018, Aged Pu’er shengcha: a full stack, open
    $ 39.00$ 238.00

    Bulang Peacock 2018, aged Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    A Xishuangbanna classic

    Some believe that tea originated in an area bordering Yunnan, Laos and Myanmar. Bulang Mountain lies in the middle of that within the province of Yunnan on the southern tip of an area called Xishuangbanna. Shengcha from this area is rich with flavours and not overtly strong. We have picked a good value production as an optional entry point for exploring this category of tea. Southern Yunnan is also home to the peacock, the beautiful bird that the indigenous tribes love as a symbol of grace and peace. A good tea is exactly that. Connoisseur classInfusion colour: GoldTCM Cool EnergyGreat value! Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 39.00$ 238.00
    $ 39.00$ 238.00
  • Sold out
    Aura of the Night Bouquet style Phoenix oolong
    $ 32.20

    Aura of the Night, bouquet Phoenix oolong

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    Yelai Xiang Dancong

    The complex, yet bright and lively floral aroma of this tea is associated with a native flower, yelai xiang, aka Chinese violet. It is a vine yielding light yellow small flowers that are especially fragrant at night, hence the name, yelai xiang — the fragrance that comes in the night, from which we have derived our product name. The plant is native in Guangdong province and neighbouring areas. It is the province where the Phoenix region situates. It has taken us some work to get to Lion Head Peak ( see below for more about the origin ) to acquire this best quality representation of the variety. Please enjoy. Trinity class iconInfusion colour: GoldTCM Neutral-cool Energy TaichiTea Master's Choice iconStaff Pick icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 32.20
    $ 32.20
  • Black Tea: Ying Hong Nine
    $ 20.80

    Ying Hong Nine, traditional black tea

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    Prodigy Black Tea of Yingde

    Although the ancestry of cultivar Ying Hong #9 was taken from the rugged mountains of Yunnan 60 years ago, the tea tree has acquired a very different characteristics in the much milder climate on the rolling hills of middle Guangdong. However, not all farms are able to produce a warm sweet black tea with a rich and smooth body as Tea Hong’s Ying Hong Nine. This patiently withered and oxidised selection is processed in the Guangdong style and optimally baked for its creamy characteristics and fruity accents. A prize-winning quality at great value. Delta classInfusion colour: WolfberryTCM NeutralStaff Pick iconGreat Value icon Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 20.80
    $ 20.80
  • Honey Concubine Guifei oolong
    $ 26.90

    Honey Concubine, medium deep baked Taiwan oolong

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    Guifei Oolong from Cold Peak

    Guifei Oolong ( or Honey Concubine Tea, literally translated ) is a medium deep baked, medium oxidation ( 25 ~ 30% ) oolong produced from the Ruan Zhi cultivar in the Dong Ding ( Cold Peak ) area. It is different from the traditional Cold Peak oolong. The leaves of Guifei are bitten by green leafhoppers before plucking. The bug attack triggers a chain of biochemical reactions in the leaves that result in the complex honey notes that typify this tea. It was inspired by the way Oriental Beauty acquires its unique taste profile. However the two teas taste very differently through each’s own unique oolong processing approaches and pluck timing. The tea was invented after the devastation of an earthquake in September 1999, when the farmers had to create more revenue to rebuild their lost homes. «Read more» Baked to perfection by our producer the multiple award-winning tea master Chen Yu Wen, the current batch is certainly one of the best we have ever had from her. Net weight: 70g (2.5oz) in Kraft-alu pillow pack Taichi ClassMaple syrupNeutral EnergyTea Master's Choice iconStaff Pick icon
    $ 26.90
    $ 26.90
  • Huoshan Huangya, or Huo Shan Yellow Tips, a famous traditional yellow tea
    $ 24.80

    Huo Shan Yellow Tips, traditional yellow tea

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    Renaissance of a millennium old tribunal yellow tea

    For the same refreshing, cleansing sensation as the finest Huangshan Maofeng, ample green tea’s health constituents, yet with the absence of astringency, a yellow tea like Huo Shan Huang Ya ( i.e. Yellow Tips ) is a best choice. This superb first flush selection is produced almost like a Maofeng green tea but lightly oxidised by covering the tea when it is still very warm during processing. The heat converted some of the leaf constituents into simpler sugars. This particular step gives a softer, sweeter and much easier taste but as delightfully quenching and more body. The concept of this technique has been millennium old, yet it is only in recent years that really fine tasting products become available and accessible. Distinctive as Tea Hong’s Huo Shan Yellow Tips is still rare. Taichi ClassCanary yellowTCM Neutral-cool iconStaff Pick iconGreat Value icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 24.80
    $ 24.80