Huangshan Maofeng Supreme, traditional green tea

Huangshan Maofeng Supreme, traditional green tea

(3 customer reviews)

$ 23.90

Pre-Qingming Maofeng:

Huangshan (translate: Yellow Mountain) is an UNESCO World Heritage Site and a China national conservation. Besides beautiful sceneries, it is also the origin for many a fine teas, such as Huangshan Maofeng. The tender young leaf shoot to make Tea Hong’s Huangshan Maofeng Supreme is always plucked with one or two tiny immediate leaves before Spring Equinoix, and always before Qing Ming. Always from the few small family tea farms in the high mountains that we buy from. It is a rare quality even in the market in Huangshan, and if you ever found it, would be at a much higher price. Working directly with producers is a principal at Tea Hong. While offering quality at a reasonable price is one immediate benefit that you as a consumer can enjoy, there are more important reasons and not so immediate results that we aim at. Your patronage means great support for our cause.

Delta classInfusion colorTCM Coolgreat value

Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack

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黃山毛峰 明前嫰芽

Taste profile

Nose: Soft, floral, and yet warm aroma of steamed mung bean with light accents of gardenia and hint of lily. Characteristic Huangshan green tea style of smokey undertone. Palate: Silky soft infusion that is sweet and malty, tinkling with minute touches of fresh herbs and cream. Finish: Sweet aftertaste with a cereal suggestion and a light lip burning sensation.

Infusion tips

For better accents of its aroma, use shorter infusion durations and more leaves. Smaller infusion vessels fare better than larger ones. 85°C gives you a sweeter, smoother and more floral note, higher temperature a stronger body and more bites in both the aroma and taste.

Additional information

Weight 90 g
Dimensions 18 × 9 × 5 cm
Net weight:

Tea category:




TCM character:


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  1. This tea exemplifies why Huangshan Maofeng is one of the most famous and prized green teas anywhere in the world. This specific offering from Tea Hong is a real chameleon in the cup, with a symphony of nuanced layers and a complex, evolving aftertaste that gracefully lingers.

    The leaf quality is nothing short of exceptional, showcasing a caliber of Huangshan Maofeng that is a rare find in today’s market. Every stage, from plucking to frying, has been executed with a flawless precision that speaks volumes of the skilled craftsmanship involved. The meticulous attention to detail, from the delicate thin-red line at the leaf’s base to the uniform searing and blistering of the leaves, results in a tea that captures a spectrum of flavors seldom encountered in other examples.

    The depth of flavors and the overall complexity here is something I would expect to find in an oolong. It is quite remarkable to me how much this green tea has going on.

    It’s mildly nutty, with hints of cereal grains and mung beans wafting up off the wet leaf, but it’s also soft and floral, with a smooth mouthfeel and a creamy texture. There’s also some undertones of fresh thistle and pine needles, just enough to keep the flavor profile crisp and bright without losing any of its delicate qualities.

    This is easily one of the best green teas I’ve ever had.

  2. Good whole day tea

    This is very good whole day tea for me. Put some in my very tall mug with tea leaves container to steep for 5 minutes. Drink 5 times or 6 times each day. Very good taste and good smell. I like it very much.

  3. My daily tea

    A friend had been helping me to contact a company in China for my supplies of green and white tea, including Huangshan Maofeng. After a few orders from Tea Hong, I now have no need for his help. This outstanding green tea is the best I have had. It is great whether in a big teapot or in my infuser mug.

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