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What they say about specific products

Some customers have shared what they think about a product by posting reviews in the product pages. There are quite a number of them. These are a few arbitrarily selected by a computer script to display below.

Would you like to tell others what you think of a tea too? Go to the respective product page and post it now.

  • Sacred Lily, Wuyi yancha oolong

    This tea can mature

    Hello Tony, Yes this tea can mature. Please refer to Leo’s Tea Guardian article on storage for storing this tea for maturity.

    Siu PB
  • Longjing Traditional Supreme, hand-roasted green tea

    Hello Mrs Ngo, normally we inspect our pre-Qingming green teas around early to mid April but need quality assurance processes for another two weeks. So likely to be late April the earliest. Will send mass newsletter to all registered customers when available.

    Siu PB
  • Sacred Lily, Wuyi yancha oolong

    A Real Treat

    I would call this a mid-roast tea with a high floral aroma with sweet mineral flavours. My mouth is full of flavour, feeling, and the huigan is big! This is a big tea. Dry leaves are long. Layers of flavor and depth. A real powerhouse!

    Jeffrey Novick
  • Tieguanyin Floral, bouquet oolong

    Blooming garden

    I think this is the most naturally fragrant tea I ever had. Unforgettable aroma. I used a teaspoon of leaves to brew initially for one minute in a 2 cup teapot but filled only to 3/4. Can repeat 5 times and it was still good.

    Jean v. Young
  • Eight Immortals Wudong, Phoenix dancong oolong

    Superb in every way

    When you are in a perfect space and require a perfect friend this has to be it. This is so refined that the do not disturb sign has to be on the world until every last drop is tasted. You and the eight immortals will become one.

  • Sacred Lily, Wuyi yancha oolong


    對新品種從來沒信心,但這寶號一直未有令我失望過,所以看見是 tea master’s choice 便也試試。果然所言非虛,茶味別有洞天。好!


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