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What they say about specific products

Some customers have shared what they think about a product by posting reviews in the product pages. There are quite a number of them. These are a few arbitrarily selected by a computer script to display below.

Would you like to tell others what you think of a tea too? Go to the respective product page and post it now.

  • Huangshan Maofeng Supreme, traditional green tea

    My daily tea

    A friend had been helping me to contact a company in China for my supplies of green and white tea, including Huangshan Maofeng. After a few orders from Tea Hong, I now have no need for his help. This outstanding green tea is the best I have had. It is great whether in a big teapot or in my infuser mug.

    Brigit Thompson
  • Shèmen Dancong Double Baked, Phoenix dancong oolong

    What a concise way of describing the experience! Indeed, each tea is like a unique individual. Meeting one can be like encountering a new character, learning a different personality. For over twenty years I continue to be impressed by new ethos, unique traits. Tea is a wonderful world.

    Tea Hong
  • Tieguanyin Floral, bouquet oolong

    Blooming garden

    I think this is the most naturally fragrant tea I ever had. Unforgettable aroma. I used a teaspoon of leaves to brew initially for one minute in a 2 cup teapot but filled only to 3/4. Can repeat 5 times and it was still good.

    Jean v. Young
  • Honey Orchid Supreme, classic Phoenix dancong oolong

    Your review is like a poem! Thank you for sharing your experience with us and so very, very happy that you like one of my personal most favourites. This is the very tea that totally converted me from my previous profession into advocacy for fine tea.

    Leo Kwan
  • Celeste Green Chahai

    This comment has actually inspired us of an idea of developing a line of teaware for larger serving. Thank you!

    Tea Hong
  • Bada 2011, Pu’er shu cha

    Rooster Crowing in My Cup

    This tea is the exact color of black coffee with the full body to match it. Zero bitterness. Holds up for multiple infusions, consistently producing the same dark, liquid silk — cup after cup. It’s already on my reorder list.

    Karen Ager

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