Keemun Traditional Supreme, old style black tea

Keemun Traditional Supreme, old style black tea

$ 26.90

Qimen Hong Maofeng:

Keemun had once been the tea of choice for European elites before the politics of economics made colonial productions more popular. To bring the true quality of what used to crown Keemun with the laureate of the most desired black tea, we select only the finest first flush at the origin for our masters to process to the best of Keemun gongfu standard. Considering the advancement of techniques in the past 150 years, Tea Hong’s Keemun Traditional Supreme is very likely to be superior to what the kings and queens had in their cups.

Taichi classInfusion colorTCM NeutralTea Master's Choice icon

Net weight: 70 g (2.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pack

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祁門極品 紅毛峰

Taste profile

Nose: Biscuity, warm aroma with hints of orange bloom over a chocolate undertone. Palate: Supple, rich infusion with accents of berries and prunes on a malty, slightly sweet oatmeal overtone. Low on astringency and bitterness. Finish: Sweet aftertaste.

Infusion tips

Try to contain the first infusion duration to 5 minutes or less. Use tealeaves amount to adjust the desired strength. When using the gongfu approach, do not go less than 1 minute. Same idea in adjusting leaves to water ratio for taste preference. Between 100°C to 90°C, infusion temperature can change the taste profile.

Additional information

Weight 120 g
Dimensions 18 × 9 × 5 cm
Net weight:

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  1. Tea Master’s Pick

    Opening a package of Keemun Traditional Supreme will transport you into a library full of fine leather-bound books. The infusion will yield a glossy, mahogany liquor tasting of figs, almond blossoms, and sanded timber. One can easily imagine a sea captain bringing this tea across the ocean to his titled patrons, reserving some first for his own personal use. The taste of Keemun Traditional Supreme stays reminiscently on your palate long after the drinking is done with just enough caffeine to set your sails to the wind.

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