Honey Pearl Pekoe, fresh jasmine scented green tea

Honey Pearl Pekoe, fresh jasmine scented green tea

(4 customer reviews)

$ 22.10

Jasmine Seven Scentings Fuding Tips

Mastery of the technique of scenting and management of fresh jasmine flowers can greatly enhance the aroma profile of a final tea. It is not only how many times the leaves are scented but also about the tea to flower ratio, and the finesse of timing and other nuances in the scenting process. Honey Pearl Pekoe begins as a pure fine tippy first flush of loyal pedigree and then scented to perfection by our jasmine master. The most beautiful and purest of all jasmine green teas.

Delta class iconMorning sun yellowTCM Neutral-coolStaff Pick icon

Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow

In stock



Taste profile

Nose: Sensually sweet, pure and enduring perfume of the bouquet of natural jasmine. Palate: Infusion of the same with undertones of fresh mint and honey. Soft, silky and lightly sweet round body. Finish: Refreshing sensation and sweet aftertaste. Lingering bouquet.

Infusion tips

Use a glassware if you want to see (or show) the display of unfolding tealeaves. Use a good chinaware for the best taste and aroma. 85°C infusion temperature for a softer body. 90°C for more impactful aroma and a livelier body.

Additional information

Weight 100 g
Dimensions 18 × 9 × 5 cm
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  1. Heaven Smells Like This

    The pearls are a feast for the eyes and nose with their gauzy twirls of jasmine petals around the spheres of dry tea. Once the water has done its work, the eye cannot detect the jasmine anymore but the nose certainly can. Raising the cup of tea, I inhaled a branch of jasmine blossoms before my lips even touched the rim. It left me to wonder if drinking was even necessary, but once the tea hit my palate, the floral experience feels rose up past my palate and into my mind. Undertones of anise to finish. Danger: this tea causes uncontrollable smiling.

  2. Amazing scent of jasmine and a wonderful green tea

    Believe me, this is better than walking in a jasmine garden coz I have done it before when the flowers were in full bloom. This tea smells cleaner, yet a lot more fragrant! The taste of the green tea is gentle, smooth and complex. I have never had any green tea tasting so sophisticated. This is a most awesome tea experience for me.

  3. Like a bunch of flowers in my mug

    These delicate small beads smell like actual jasmine flowers and uncurl beautifully into tender young leaf buds in my mug!

  4. 方知此茶原貌

    我有十幾年做茶友的經驗,自然會去不同地方買茶。最初見到這隻小龍珠価錢計起來要70多元一両,有點貴,便沒有理會。上星期要送禮給一女性友人,知她喜歡茉莉花茶,見這裡可一包配二筒可成一盒小禮物,便買了一包桂花香單樅、一筒我最喜愛的龍井、及一筒這個小龍珠送她。打開禮物後她開心到不得了,說從未見過這樣大方簡樸又環保的茶葉包裝。雖然她沒有先開我最想向她介紹的正宗口味龍井,而是先開了小龍珠,但我反而連自己也覺得驚喜。因為我沒有想到原來茉莉花茶也可有這樣樣優雅品味的。那香不但沒有一般花茶庸俗的感覺,清香甜美而又持久,茶湯亦是出人意表地順滑豐富。早年初為茶道時,試過了不少類似東西,到今時今日,方知此茶的原貌。Leo, 謝謝你!

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