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What they say about specific products

Some customers have shared what they think about a product by posting reviews in the product pages. There are quite a number of them. These are a few arbitrarily selected by a computer script to display below.

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  • Tongmuguan One, traditional black tea

    Amazing and very different taste and aroma. This is the best black tea I have ever had.

    Brigitte Thompson
  • Happiness Gaiwan

    I decided to order this Gaiwan to answer my curious soul.
    It looks different from what I usually see in my local teaware stores and I was surprised by it’s superb ergonomics. It ticks all the boxes for what a good gaiwan should be especially for smaller ones.

    I also like the 5-petal flower motif in body and lid design. It’s neat, clean and understated.

    Danupon S.
  • White Peony Classic Long, traditional white tea

    Zhenghe White Peony King

    I have had Bai Mudan and Shou Mei white teas, but never a Zhenghe Bai Mudan (always the more common Fuding variety). I was very interested in this Zhenghe style, since the description seemed to fit my preferences more than the Fuding. Opening the package, the aroma is rich and full, kind of like hay, and sweet (a little difficult to describe). The overall appearance is a nice mix of silver, gray, and withered green. The taste is indeed full, deep, rich, and a little sweet, without the floral qualities. It also seems to bring out more of that taste that makes white tea distinctive as a style. This is the best white tea that I have had.

  • Honey Orchid Supreme, classic Phoenix dancong oolong

    Exquisitely Delicate! Delicately Exquisite!
    This is a great tea and I just have to re-order. Having gained experience from brewing gongfu style and enjoying various teas from Tea Hong, my wife and I appreciate the bright notes and subtle nuances of this truly delightfully tea. We brewed gongfu style in a ruyao teapot to retain all the flavours.

    Jeffery Leong
  • Classic White Utility Gaiwan 150

    Beautiful, firm and super value

    The real thing is actually even more beautiful than the photos. It is not only a joy to look at but also fits the hand very well. Unbelievable value.

    Jean v. Young
  • Tieguanyin Traditional, bouquet oolong

    There is an old Hong Kong saying, “Ng4 paa3 fo3 bei2 fo3, zi2 paa3 ng4 sik1 fo3 — 唔怕貨比貨,只怕唔識貨” — meaning, “(we) fear not of (you) comparing our products with those of others, (we) fear only of ignorance of quality.” The city of Hong Kong began as a trading port in the 19th century. It very soon became a key hub for goods from China, Southeast Asia and around the world. After the taking over of China by the Communists in 1949, the British colony’s trading role became even more important. Competition amongst sellers was keen. This saying was widely used amongst purveyors of top quality products to alert buyers to watch out carefully for inferior quality hidden under a similar appearance or name, or even false claims. Although it had long since became a cliché and forgotten in recent decades, I find the market condition no less confusing, at least in the area of tea.

    I am happy that besides knowing your Phoenix oolongs, you also understand a genuine tieguanyin. I hope more people do.

    Nowadays, partly due to the indulgence in the overuse of fertilisers, many productions of even authentic tea bushes lack the intricacies of a traditional tieguanyin. Not to mention lowly crossed clones and sloppiness in processing. Respectable farmers and producers are, therefore, precious finds.

    Leo Kwan

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