Red Plum Classic, traditional black tea

Red Plum Classic, traditional black tea

$ 21.40

Black tea made from the leaves of Longjing cultivar

Jiuqu Hongmei — Red Plum Classic has been produced from leaves of Longjing tea bushes since its beginning in mid 19th century. Because of the nature of this unique use of cultivar, it acquires a very different character from most other black tea: tastes and aromas associated more with berries and plums on a foundation that reminds of the savouriness of finer Longjings, albeit the light, yet typical sweetness of finer Chinese black teas.

Delta classInfusion colorTCM Neutral

Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack

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Taste profile

Nose: Mild floral fragrance with the warmth of cookies and chocolate accented with berries and plums. Palate: Lively, lightly sweet body with accents of berries and an undertone of Longjing savouriness. Finish: Refreshing, sweet, lightly citric and floral aftertaste.

Infusion tips

For an easy mug of tea, infuse for 7~8 minutes using a ratio of 1g to 130ml of water. Decrease the tealeaves to water ratio but increase the infusion duration when using a 4-cup teapot or larger.

If you prefer to maximise the taste experience, keep infusion time short (30 sec ~ 3 minutes) for the tea’s lively and floral character. Increase the ratio of tealeaves to at least 2g to 100 ml of water. Use an infusion vessel of capacity between 100ml to 250ml.

* We are proud to be able to say that the current harvest has a most outstanding and archetypical taste profile of the original Red Plum Classic.

Additional information

Weight 100 g
Dimensions 18 × 9 × 5 cm
Net weight:

Tea category:



TCM character:


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  1. Shows what teahong is capable of

    This red tea doesnt explode with “fragrance”, but instead has this soft, gentle notes of plum. There is little sourness as you might get in other red teas, but a sweet aftertaste that creates a moisture in your mouth. A new hongcha favourite

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