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Some customers have shared what they think about a product by posting reviews in the product pages. There are quite a number of them. These are a few arbitrarily selected by a computer script to display below.

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  • Tieguanyin Traditional, bouquet oolong

    Wow, what a lovely and thoroughly enjoyable Tieguanyin. It’s very high quality with a humble price tag – if you want a daily drinker that feels more like a luxurious treat, this may be the perfect option for you. One could easily pay twice as much from a different vendor and receive something half the quality as this.

    This tea is very balanced, it has an excellent mouthfeel and smooth floral qualities that do not feel overly “green” or “raw” at their core, like so many other Tieguanyin do. The aftertaste sits very nicely in the back of the throat and lingers for a while, as all good Tieguanyin should.

    Oddly enough, I enjoy looking at the leaves after they are brewed. You can tell this is the authentic cultivar, plucked and processed with respect for a craft that brought this oolong into the center stage of a global spotlight.

    Tea Hong’s traditional-style Tieguanyin captures the essence of what makes this oolong one of the most sought-after teas in the world, and at a price point that is simply unbeatable.

  • Mini Peony, matured white tea

    Aroma-evoked memories

    As a child, my summer mornings were often spent in an open field, examining nature’s tiniest details. Mini Peony takes me back there with its tourmaline-yellow liquor and light, fresh aroma of purple clover, daisy and Queen Anne’s Lace. There’s also an herbal scent reminiscent of the sticky milkweed pods I would pull apart to examine. The infused leaves of this tea are a pleasant tangle resembling pea tendrils. Compared to the other white teas I’ve tried, Mini Peony is brighter and softer in taste with a surprisingly round, smooth and substantial texture. If only I could lift the lid off my gaiwan to hear birdsong and buzzing cicadas, my childhood flashback would be complete.

    Karen Ager
  • Honey Orchid Supreme, classic Phoenix dancong oolong

    This tea sings

    There is not much I can add to the official description of this rare and fine tea. It is all the things described — mellow, floral tones, undulating earth tones. I have a bowl of Honey Orchid Supreme going at work today. The first two infusions delivered exactly what was promised. I poured water for my third infusion but got sidetracked into a meeting, so let it steep too long. Surprisingly, this “over-steeped” infusion was strong, yes, but never crossed the line into unpleasant bitterness. As described, it fully revealed itself with longer steeping. This tea is complex and a pleasure to drink. It will give you what you ask of it — a soft and mellow experience or a quizzical moment as you try to define its complexity with a stronger-brewed cup. Either way, it is sure to ping your happy place. Every tea from Tea Hong has delighted. I now mourn all the years I wasted drinking “shadow-of-tea-powder” that comes in a typical western tea bag. I can never go back to that now.

    Karen Ager
  • Narcissus Classic, Wuyi yancha oolong

    Delicious and carefree tea

    I bought this tea for a lunch party for the price, because there were 8 guests, so I guessed I would use up the whole pack for it. I left the leaves in an 8 cup pot to refill for two times and changed once afterward to refill once. So total 40 cups. There is still half a pack of leaves. The tea was aromatic, delicious and great with the meal. Everyone enjoyed it. Strength of the tea was not quite even because of this steeping method, but that was expected. However, this quality is beyond my expectation for the price!

    Jean v. Young
  • Aura of the Night, bouquet Phoenix oolong

    This tea became one of my favorite floral Dan Congs. Most of the mostly floral Dan Congs from other vendors that I’ve tried have the tendency to taste quite one-dimensional. So after a few infusions their taste becomes less complex and less interesting. This tea is quite different because its taste becomes more complex in the later infusions. It starts with a very strong floral aroma and in the second or third infusion some slightly fruity and honey-like undertones add more interesting dimensions to the taste that still don’t distract from its elegant and calming floral aroma. The aroma is very clear with lots of high notes that give it a quite noble taste.

    I prefer to brew it in Chaozhou clay to preserve the high aromatic notes while giving the tea a thicker more honey-like texture in the mouth feel.

    It is a great tea to relax and calm the mind. It is quite easy to brew, doesn’t turn bitter when brewed too hot or too long. This makes it a great tea to have during philosophical conversations with friends.

    Tobias D
  • Shèmen Dancong Double Baked, Phoenix dancong oolong

    The very first Phoenix tea that really “rocks” me.
    The first impression from the strong infusion of gongfu approach is, it rocks! It hits hard in the very first sense then mellows out in toasty grains and finishes with concentrated cool fruity sensation. The finish itself is very long, sweet, like a good stone fruit.
    And, yes, it rocks. It’s energy stimulates my entire sense and seems to expand it further but not too hasty. I’m glad to meet this tea.

    Danupon S.

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