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What they say about specific products

Some customers have shared what they think about a product by posting reviews in the product pages. There are quite a number of them. These are a few arbitrarily selected by a computer script to display below.

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  • Danhu Old Bush Song Cultivar, Phoenix dancong oolong

    This tea was the embodiment of the wonder, and sublime calm and peace in a tea cup some of us seek. What more could one wish for from a tea?

    Chiam JY
  • Orchid Gratus, Phoenix dancong oolong

    Fascinating, yet comfort.
    While the aroma is highly suggestive for dried fruits, woods, and spices like forest honey. The liquor is surprisingly luscious with notes of butter then gradually reveals the iconic cooked apple character which lingers in the deeper sensation. It makes the impression of hard-boiled spiced apple candy, dense aroma and mouthfeel with comfort sensation .
    As a self-proclaimed devotee for Xingren Xiang Dancong, this Orchid Gratus is the best representation of the traditional craft and pinnacle quality. If anyone is into the classic Phoenix oolongs I will definitely introduce this tea to him.

    Danupon S.
  • Shiguping Wulong, rare Phoenix oolong

    It is a very satisfying feeling to read from a customer who can appreciate the subtle quality difference of a tea that we have worked so hard for knowing that it will have only a limited audience, simply because of its own milder virtues. Thank you for sharing this!

    Tea Hong
  • Celeste Green Gaiwan

    Happy that you enjoy using this. There is a gaiwan of smaller capacity that we can launch later this year. Hope you will like its surface design.

    Tea Hong
  • GABA Orange Extra, de-oxygenised oxidation Taiwan oolong

    Brief (few seconds) steeps in 90 Celcius water.
    Liquor is a clear golden brown in visual.
    Taste is of a sweet smoke in aroma with a sweet spice aftertaste.
    If you let it cool down a bit, the sweet aftertaste is more pronounced.
    A slight dryness to the mouthfeel.
    Empty cup leaves an aromatic sweet smell of burnt sugar.
    Wet leaves are brown-black in tone, giving off a dark baked bread aroma.
    This tea withstands so many steeps, and I think bold enough in flavour to be made into iced tea.

    rudi hermawan
  • Himalayan Finest Flowery, orthodox black tea

    Holiday Worthy

    With hands wrapped around a warming cup of Himalayan Finest Flowery, my thoughts turn to the approaching winter festivities. The tea’s distinctive aroma would mingle nicely with the scent of a balsam wreath hanging nearby. In addition to its woodsy notes, Himalayan Finest Flowery has a silky mouthfeel with hints of rosewater, kumquat and freshly grated nutmeg. Stomp the snow off your boots and come sit by the fire while I pour you some. Would you like a warm gingerbread man to go with it?

    Karen Ager

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