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What they say about specific products

Some customers have shared what they think about a product by posting reviews in the product pages. There are quite a number of them. These are a few arbitrarily selected by a computer script to display below.

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  • Honey Pearl Pekoe, fresh jasmine scented green tea


    我有十幾年做茶友的經驗,自然會去不同地方買茶。最初見到這隻小龍珠価錢計起來要70多元一両,有點貴,便沒有理會。上星期要送禮給一女性友人,知她喜歡茉莉花茶,見這裡可一包配二筒可成一盒小禮物,便買了一包桂花香單樅、一筒我最喜愛的龍井、及一筒這個小龍珠送她。打開禮物後她開心到不得了,說從未見過這樣大方簡樸又環保的茶葉包裝。雖然她沒有先開我最想向她介紹的正宗口味龍井,而是先開了小龍珠,但我反而連自己也覺得驚喜。因為我沒有想到原來茉莉花茶也可有這樣樣優雅品味的。那香不但沒有一般花茶庸俗的感覺,清香甜美而又持久,茶湯亦是出人意表地順滑豐富。早年初為茶道時,試過了不少類似東西,到今時今日,方知此茶的原貌。Leo, 謝謝你!

    Longjing 43
  • GABA Orange Extra, de-oxygenised oxidation Taiwan oolong

    Brief (few seconds) steeps in 90 Celcius water.
    Liquor is a clear golden brown in visual.
    Taste is of a sweet smoke in aroma with a sweet spice aftertaste.
    If you let it cool down a bit, the sweet aftertaste is more pronounced.
    A slight dryness to the mouthfeel.
    Empty cup leaves an aromatic sweet smell of burnt sugar.
    Wet leaves are brown-black in tone, giving off a dark baked bread aroma.
    This tea withstands so many steeps, and I think bold enough in flavour to be made into iced tea.

    rudi hermawan
  • Moon Drops Himalayas, deep oxidation Nepali white tea

    unforgettable ‘bright’ aftertaste

    I’ve tried many black oolong teas from Nepal , Darjeeling and many Oriental Beauties from Taiwan. This one is right at the top. Unique bright colourful fruity aftertaste. This tea also has surprised me by its silky and smooth mouthfeel.
    Brewing parameters: 1.5 g in 70 ml gaiwan, using 85c temp. 6 steeps without a rinse: 60s/60s/90s/120s/180s

    Barak Dallal
  • Oriental Beauty, deep oxidation Taiwan oolong

    Most delicious Oriental Beauty with unique Oriental Beauty tastes. How happy to find teashop good in both China tea and Taiwan tea. I have not tried this shop’s Nepal tea yet. I will try soon.

    Ai Han Ngau
  • Huangshan Maofeng Supreme, traditional green tea

    Good whole day tea

    This is very good whole day tea for me. Put some in my very tall mug with tea leaves container to steep for 5 minutes. Drink 5 times or 6 times each day. Very good taste and good smell. I like it very much.

    Mrs Kwok
  • Shèmen Dancong Double Baked, Phoenix dancong oolong

    Thank you for your nice review. Indeed those fruit notes do add to the complexities of this very fine oolong. So happy that you enjoy it!

    Tea Hong

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