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1-160 of 180 products

  • The curly dry leaves of Tea Hong's GABA Bouquet white tea
    $ 20.40

    GABA Bouquet, a special white tea

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    A very rare white tea

    Mr Yu rarely wears shoes and walks in his little tea fields barefooted. He loves the contact with the soil that he keeps so naturally fertile, and uncontaminated. So much so that we smell the sweetness walking into his garden. He brews his own fertilisers and devises various ways of natural pest control. He is so into natural farming that a national university has setup quite a few joint projects with him. He totally worships Nature but his hobby is mechanical engineering. He proudly showed me the GABA deoxygenation tank that he modified and explained to me how it is better in processing the tea. Tea Hong’s GABA Bouquet is an invention by him. I have yet to find another tea with this kind of fruity bouquet, smoothness and even a good umami tone. He tried quite a few times before arriving at this distinctive taste quality. This is a rare batch and we can only restock when everything will work the same in the next production. It’s all dependent on Nature after all. Delta class iconCanaryTCM NeutralTea Master's ChoiceStaff Pick iconGreat value! Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Wide kraft-alu pack
    $ 20.40
    $ 20.40
  • The dry tealeaves of North Peak, showing large tightly rolled kernals that is semi-glossy in deep shades of brown
    $ 25.10

    North Peak, deep baked Taiwan oolong

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    A Wuyi reborn in Taiwan

    In Taiwan, besides the famous tea mountain of Dong Ding (Cold Peak), there are actually many other areas where the horticultural conditions are good for finer tea production. Such as the Bei Shan (i.e. North Peak) area that is has an 1,100m altitude and near the centre of the whole Taiwan Island, in Nantou County. The Tsai family does not have the resources to get an international organic certification, but they run the farm according to organic practices with the help of the local university, much like Master Yu who makes our GABA teas. Tea Hong’s North Peak is an oolong optimally deep baked for aroma and caramelisation. It is produced by the Tsai family using a Wuyi Shuixian cultivar that is localised and quite different from any Wuyi oolongs from Wuyi. You will find it softer and slightly sweeter. Interestingly, that is very much a Taiwan style, gentler in every way. Delta class iconInfusion colour: GoldTCM Neutral-warm Energy Tea Master's ChoiceStaff Pick iconGreat value! Net weight: 70 g (2.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow pack
    $ 25.10
    $ 25.10
  • The tealeaves of Phoenix Petiole leaf stalk oolong
    $ 20.10

    Phoenix Petioles 1988, matured leaf stalk oolong

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    Phoenix tea farmers’ tea

    In Phoenix, before a tea goes through the last round of baking to be ready for consumption, it is sorted manually to get rid of the leaf stalks (i.e. petioles), broken leaves, and other leaves that are not as nicely rolled or processed as the others (aka Yu Ye). The producer retains such “refuse”, rebakes it and keep it for personal use or give it out to their neighbours and relatives. They call it cha tou or thê-tao in the local language, as in “Tea Head”*. Provided the right quality, the taste of thê-tao, despite their irregularity in appearance, is actually sweeter and softer than the leaf tea from the same plant and a lot more flexible and tolerant with brewing mistakes. Presenting Tea Hong’s Phoenix Petioles 1988, a thê-tao collected between 1985 to 1988 by our top Phoenix producer. Because of the decades long maturity given onto the tea, it exhibits a post-fermentation characteristics somewhat alike those of finer shu cha Pu’ers — earthy, woodsy, herbal and pacifyingly herbal sweet, combined with an underlying and unmistakable matured Phoenix undertone. A unique taste experience unlike anything else. Delta class iconInfusion colour: RosewoodTCM NeutralStaff pickGreat Value icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 20.10
    $ 20.10
  • $ 27.80

    Honey Orchid XO 1992, matured Phoenix Dancong oolong

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    A local tea master's special reserve

    In the Phoenix Mountain area, where some superrich and those in powerful positions would send their chauffeurs to collect teas from certain tea farms at hundreds of thousands per kilo even when the tea is barely baked after processing, there are certain farmers whose own personal tea is never this “fresh”. They actually store their tea in tight tins for many years before opening it again for their own private enjoyment. This practice is more common amongst older farmers, and in other oolong regions as well. It is believed that Phoenix oolongs having been matured for decades are friendlier to the stomach. Although they would not be as as bright, floral or vibrant as younger ones, they are overall a lot more soothing, calming and indeed, comforting. Tea Hong’s Honey Orchid XO (Extra Old) 1992 delivers a much softer, smoother body with that signature honey sweetness but in the warm humbleness akin to a very fine shu cha Pu’er. If the other fresher Honey Orchid we offer is a Van Gogh, this XO version is a Rothko, metamorphically speaking*. Taichi classInfusion colour: Dark AmberTCM NeutralStaff pickTea Master's Choice Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 27.80
    $ 27.80
  • 9 types of oolong teas each formed into a dragon, posed around a teacup and a tea gaiwan filled with tea.
    $ 42.30

    Tea Taster’s Box: Nine Oolong Samplers

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    9 dragons play water

    Nine varieties selected from Tea Hong’s extensive oolong repertoire for celebrating the great diversity in this most vibrant tea category, the Nine Oolong Samplers Tea Taster’s Box is for anyone who would like to explore the true quality, true taste of the different natural taste profiles of these 9 representative selections. The original category name — oolong — was romanised from a Southern Chinese language, likely in one of the Cantonese dialects widely spoken amongst tea traders who travelled between the Xiamen-Chaozhou areas and the export port of Canton. In the original language, the term simply means “black dragon”, a fancy way to depict the earlier shape of the oolong tea leaf — a swirly form rather like the mystic animal motif found in many traditional crafts. Hence the Chinese name of this product, Nine Dragons Play Water. Indeed to experience the possibilities of any one single selection, steeping the tea using various methods, parameters and even infusing vessels would give a different result. There maybe many reasons why people can be so attached to this tea category, but perhaps this “playing” with the tea and water is one. Contents: 9 individual packs, total tea net weight: e 80 grams
    $ 42.30
    $ 42.30
  • Moss Island — Bing Dao maocha, a Pu'er shengcha
    $ 21.30

    Moss Island 2018, shengcha Pu’er maocha

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    Bing Dao Maocha

    Leaves from Bing Dao look definitively different as from, say, those of Pasha. It is a different variety of Yunnan Da Ye tea tree1 — Mengku Da Ye (Mengku Big Leaf), that differentiates itself not only with the larger leaf size, but also an accent of crispy sweetness. It is believed that Bing Dao — Island of Moss2 — is the birthplace of the tea tree variety. Variants and cultivars of Mengku Da Ye are used popularly in the county of Mengku3 for both black and pu'er tea production. Some say it began in late 15th century when a governor asked locals to plant 200 seeds here to start tea production. That would become the tens of thousand in this area where the Mengku variety is found to be genetically the most pure. Less than 20% of variation in their DNA, quite impressive for over 500 years of unmanaged sexual propagation in the wild. I think this batch is exceptional in manifesting the characteristics of this unique tea tree. It is a premium harvest. If you are interested, compare this loose leaf form with the compressed form » Bing Dao 2014 that is also available at Tea Hong.
    Delta class icon Canary TCM Cold energy Tea Master's Choice icon Great value!
    Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 21.30
    $ 21.30
  • Pasha Old Tree shengcha pu'er maocha
    $ 25.70

    Pasha Old Tree 2017, shengcha Pu’er maocha

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    Maocha from Wild Old Trees

    Of all the sub-regions in Yunnan, Pasha is my personal favourite for shengcha. Its yields are typically more floral, rounder and sweeter yet still carrying the terra’s characters of a little punch. We have included also a cha bing (Pasha 2013) in our Pu’er offering in addition to this premium harvest loose leaf maocha. Although both are produced with top picks from this same area, the two different forms deliver different, yet somehow related taste profiles. The pure, gentle, direct and honest rawness of the loose leaf is a different kind of enjoyment from the transformed taste characteristics of the compressed form. Similar leaves, two teas. Compare them to find out which one you like better. It may tell a thing or two about yourself. We have matured the loose leaf for 7 years before making it available for a better representation of the true Pasha quality.
    Taichi icon Infusion colour: Gold TCM Cold energy Tea Master's Choice icon Great value!
    Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 25.70
    $ 25.70
  • The crystal bright red liquor of Royal Black classic black tea
    $ 23.40

    Royal Black, classic black tea from the Himalayas

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    An Easy and Versatile Fine Tea

    Royal Black is one of those teas that is good as is even when strongly brewed, and fantastic with added milk, or honey and lemon for that matter. It holds its finesse in the casual handling of daily use. The deeper oxidation and baking executed onto these selectively slightly larger size young leaves give the tea a sweeter, fruitier and more straightforward taste profile that makes it a comforting sip. Handpicked in Spring from the slope of the Himalayas in Dhankuta, Nepal, and processed with the mastery of traditional black tea, this certified organic product distinguishes itself from most other organic teas available out there with a classic black tea taste that is rare in those other products. Delta class iconInfusion colour: WolfberryTCM Neutral-warm Energy TaichiStaff Pick iconEU certified Organic Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 23.40
    $ 23.40
  • Sold out
    Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings, inside
    $ 59.80

    Tea Taster’s Box: Shengcha Pu’er Cha Bings

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    If perhaps breaking that beautifully formed tea discus is a little too harsh for your sensitivity, or a bit too inconvenient for your precious teatime, we are doing the job for you; Tea Hong’s Shengcha Pu’er Cha Bings Tea Taster’s Box is a collection of 4 of our tea discuses each in a 30 gram package in small chunks. Now you can sample our most prized Pasha 2013 plus three others high price varieties at the price of an average cha bing. Since we break one piece of each at a time by hand so as to keep the chunks freshly chipped, there are 9 packs only each time. Be prepared for sudden out of stock until we can do the chipping again. Have fun tasting! Contents: 4 packs of chipped cha bing, approx 30 g net weight each pack, in corrugated card box
    $ 59.80
    $ 59.80
  • Moon Drops Himalayas, deeper flavour white tea
    $ 29.30

    Moon Drops Himalayas, deep oxidation Nepali white tea

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    When a Taiwanese marries a Japanese in Nepal

    The tougher terroir of the Himalayas usually gives a more rugged characteristic to the yield. Yet the ingenious farmer of Tea Hong's Moon Drop Himalayas has employed the creamy Jinxuan ( 金萱 ) cultivar from Taiwan and the umami Yabukita ( やぶきた ) from Japan to produce this tea. Their softer nature most definitely tones down the harsher growing environment to give this tea an extraordinarily round body, accompanied with a sweetness and bouquet that one can hardly find in any other South Asian productions. An extra step of rolling is added to the end of the white tea withering process to develop more depth in the taste profile. This is indeed an unusual gem of white tea. However, maintaining the East Asian tea plants in the Himalayas is not an easy job and getting a good yield from them is even more demanding. We have been following this tea for almost a decade before deciding to carry it. A fine batch as this one on offer is rare. Taichi ClassInfusion colorTCM NeutralTea Master's ChoiceStaff Pick iconEU certified Organic Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 29.30
    $ 29.30
  • Bamboo Leaf traditional green tea
    $ 32.70

    Bamboo Leaf, traditional green tea

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    Zhuye Qingding — a rare shoot leaf green tea

    Some people like their green tea soft and sweet, others may prefer a good umami. Yet this leaf shoot tea is neither. Its brisk, lively full body is accentuated with a refreshing aroma and a distinct note of bitterness. After Longjing, of all the other green teas from the Zhejiang region, my personal strongest preference goes to this traditional green tea form of Bamboo Leaf produced in Kaihua. To me it is an alternative to a shot of single malt in the evening, or an afternoon kick of espresso. Maybe more pleasant and invigorating. This style form is produced in a few other tea regions in China. The taste profile does vary from region to region, and even from farm to farm, tea master to tea master. In Emei Shan in Szechuan, the traditional form style name, Zhu Ye Qing, which transliterates as Bamboo Leaf Green, is registered as a brand name by a powerful local tea company. Other farmers and tea companies who have been producing in this same style form are then required by law to sell their products in different names. One of them is Mingshan Shihua. Tea Hong's Bamboo Leaf is a rare quality representing not only the broader taste profile of this style form, but also the intriguing intricacy that gives true quality tea its elevating magic.
    Trinity class icon Morning sun yellow TCM Cool Energy Tea Master's Choice icon
    Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 32.70
    $ 32.70
  • Bai Hua Shu maocha, a Pu'er loose leaf shengcha
    $ 33.80

    Bai Hua Shu 2012, shengcha Pu’er maocha

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    One Hundred Flower Trees

    Going pass the famous Jingmai tea region and deep into the rocky mountains of Lancang Lahu, 1800m above sea level into the turf of the Haqniq ( aka Hani ) tribes, enter the ancient hermit village of One Hundred Flower Trees ( hence the name Bai Hua Shu ). The tougher climate here maybe a little too rough for domesticated tea cultivars, so only indigenous tea trees grow here, and they are really old. The locals say all are at least 200 hundred years. They are harvested only once a year for their first flush. The fresh tea is always very potent. We have matured it for over 10 years to make sure their beautifully tamed characters can be well manifested in your cup. ClassInfusion colorTCM Cool EnergyTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 33.80
    $ 33.80
  • Mengku maocha, pu'er shengcha tea
    $ 16.90

    Western Half of the Mountain, shengcha Pu’er maocha

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    Mengku Maocha 2015 — Mengku Xi Ban Shan

    Rough terrains, with altitudes ranging from 1000’s to over 3000 m make up almost 100% of the total 475 km2 of Mengku, in the subregion of Lincang in Yunnan. The uneven landscape is interlaced with huge rocks and subtropical forests. That may explain why for over 500 years the production of tea has been a major means of livelihood for the indigenous tribes here. Old tea trees exist in patches here and there. Sometimes there is a single huge one which immediate surrounding would be cleared for pickers to work during harvests. While leaves from the east side of this cluster of mountains are known for their strong character, those produced on the west side are sweeter, silkier and more gentle. I think the latter is better in the form of maocha. We have matured this batch for 9 years for your better enjoyment, and friendlier to the stomach.
    Connoisseur Class icon Infusion colour: Gold TCM Cold energy Staff Pick icon Great value!
    Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 16.90
    $ 16.90
  • Yixing teapot "Pumpkin" by Yang Hui Ying
    $ 1,230.00

    Yang Hui Ying: Pumpkin

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    Artist: Yang Hui Ying, National Senior Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Pumpkin Material: Zhu-ni Capacity: 160 ml Creation year: 2021 Artist signed certificate booklet detailing artist's biography 楊惠英 國家高級工藝美術師 壺型:南瓜 材料:朱泥 底款:楊惠英 製作年份:辛丑 付藝人簽名連詳細資歷證書 Two design options:
    1. Leaf near bottom
    2. Leaf near lid
    $ 1,230.00
    $ 1,230.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot "Little Bead" by Xu Feng
    $ 78.00

    Xu Feng: Little Bead

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    Artist: Xu Feng, National Associate Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Bead (Yi Li Zhu) Material: zisha Capacity: 250 ml 徐峰 助理國家工藝美術師 壺型:一粒珠 材料:紫砂 底款:徐峰製陶
    $ 78.00
    $ 78.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot "Squashed Belly" by Xu Feng
    $ 81.00

    Xu Feng: Squashed Belly

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    Artist: Xu Feng, National Associate Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Squashed Belly ( Bian-fu ) Material: Da Hong Pao Capacity: 200 ml 徐峰 助理國家工藝美術師 壺型:扁腹 材料:大紅袍 底款:徐峰製陶
    $ 81.00
    $ 81.00
  • Sold out
    Ye Qin: Ruyi with Cloud Shoulders, Yixing teapot
    $ 770.00

    Ye Qin: Ruyi with Cloud Shoulder

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    Artist: Ye Qin, National Senior Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Ruyi with Cloud Shoulder (Yun Jian Ruyi) Material: Qing Shui Ni Capacity: 290 ml Creation year: 2018 葉琴 國家高級工藝美術師 壺型:雲肩如意 材料:清水泥 底款:葉琴 蓋款:葉琴 製作年份:戊戌
    $ 770.00
    $ 770.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot "Outburst of Melodies" by Li Bin
    $ 470.00

    Li Bin: Outburst of Melodies

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    Artist: Li Bin, National Senior Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Squashed Belly (Bian Fu) Material: Original mine zhu-ni blended with duan sha Capacity: 210 ml Creation year: 2018 李斌 國家高級工藝美術師 壺型:扁腹 材料:原礦朱泥混段砂 底款:李斌陶藝 製作年份:戊戌
    $ 470.00
    $ 470.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot "Fang Gu" by Song Qi Qi
    $ 240.00

    Song Qi Qi: Fang Gu

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    Artist: Song Qi Qi Pot style: Fang Gu (In the form of an ancient drum) Material: Golden zhu-ni from the original mine Capacity: 160 ml Creation year: 2021 宋琦琦 壺型:仿鼓 (也有稱為仿古) 材料:原礦黃金朱泥 底款:宋琦琦 製作年份:辛丑
    $ 240.00
    $ 240.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot "Shui Ping" by Wu Jia
    $ 390.00

    Wu Jia: Shui Ping

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    Artist: Wu Jia, National Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Shui Ping (Water Level) Material: Da Hong Pao from the original mine Capacity: 180 ml Creation year: 2021 吳佳 國家工藝美術師 壺型:水平 材料:原礦大紅袍 底款:吳佳製 蓋款:吳佳 製作年份:辛丑
    $ 390.00
    $ 390.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot "Bosom" by Zhou Guan Hua
    $ 150.00

    Zhou Guan Hua: Bosom

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    Artist: Zhou Guan Hua, National Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Yu Ru (Jade Bosom) Material: Qing shui ni Capacity: 170 ml Creation year: 2017 周冠華 國家工藝美術師 壺型:玉乳 材料:清水泥 底款:冠華製陶 內款:周、紫砂珍品 柄款:周記 製作年份:丁酉
    $ 150.00
    $ 150.00
  • Lao Ban Zhang 2016, Aged Pu’er shengcha
    $ 64.40$ 408.00

    Lao Ban Zhang 2016, aged Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Renowned origin harvest by a small producer

    Lao Ban Zhang is one of the, if not the most sought after origin for premium pu’er. Rather like pursuing a rare wine, people don’t expect a sweet or easy palatial experience but one with character and strength. The tea is known for its long lasting linger. Some refer to it as “cha qi”. A really good one from the “old estate” costs a crazy fortune nowadays. Yet one from a good fringe area by a small workshop can be a lot more accessible. Let us know how you like this compared with other pu’ers. Connoisseur classInfusion colour: GoldTCM Cool EnergyGreat value! Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 64.40$ 408.00
    $ 64.40$ 408.00
  • Pasha 2013, matured shengcha pu'er
    $ 280.00$ 1,813.00

    Pasha 2013, matured Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Zou Bing Liang’s master piece

    In the first decade of my tea career I used to neglect shengcha puer as an over-hyped lot. Poor products flooded so much of the market that the category alienated itself from me as a tea lover. Pasha changed all that. Its beautiful complexity converted me. From there on I have made a conscious effort in screening true gems amidst crowds of trite. ( Isn’t that true in all other tea varieties as well?) Shengcha from various subregions now has earned a place in my own repertoire. That from Pasha, however, is still my most preferred. Master Zou’s ( Lao Tong Zhi ) team has certainly done a very good job in making this cha bing. This batch was exactly the same one that I tasted in his workshop in Yunnan and when I was converted and decided that I would carry the tea. These years of maturing have most wonderfully brought more depth and body to both the aroma and taste. We have set it at the lower market price available anywhere in the hope that more can experience this amazing tea. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings. If you are interested, a loose leaf Pu'er shengcha also from Pasha is available in the shop: Pasha Old Tree  Trinity class iconInfusion colour: Maple syrupTCM Neutral-cool iconTea Master's Choice iconGreat value! Net weight per discus: 500 g (17.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 280.00$ 1,813.00
    $ 280.00$ 1,813.00
  • Tea made from the Yiwu Zheng Shan cha bing
    $ 130.00$ 810.00

    Yiwu Zheng Shan 2018, Aged Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Huimin authentic old tree series: Mount Yiwu proper

    This aged Yiwu may present itself a little softer in the start, but its energy lingers and grows, alive beyond the taste faculty. Yiwu maybe known as one of the softest in the shengcha category, yet properly infused, it can actually be quite powerful. Originated in the deep mountain ranges along the border with Laos, where the weather can be as unpredictable as the wild life one may encounter, the biochemistry of the leaves is as lively and interesting to learn. There are people who prefer this tea quite fresh, but in our opinion it is better aged for a few years. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings. Delta class iconInfusion colour: Maple syrupTCM Cool EnergyStaff Pick icon Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 130.00$ 810.00
    $ 130.00$ 810.00
  • Shen Shan Lao Shu 2012, matured Pu'er shengcha
    $ 59.00$ 374.00

    Shenshan Laoshu 2012, matured Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Deep Mountain Old Trees

    There are harvests from less than famous areas that can be taste worthy. That is why each producer has their own products carrying more generic names as “Deep Mountain Old Trees”, and sell them at much lower price than those with names from more sought after mountains. Some are better value than others. To me, I think this Shenshan Laoshu from Huimin Tea Factory is worth at least three times its ticket value for a body and aroma worthy of a place in the famous mountain rank. It is actually one the best generic name discus we have ever tasted, regardless of the price. One reason they can do that is their collection points spreading deep in Lincang, an area famous for its many famous tea mountains. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings. Connoisseur Class iconInfusion colour: Maple syrupTCM Neutral-cool iconStaff Pick iconGreat value! Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 59.00$ 374.00
    $ 59.00$ 374.00
  • Bing Dao 2014, matured Pu'er shengcha: back, unwrapped
    $ 81.00$ 515.00

    Bing Dao 2014, matured Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    Stone-pressed first flush from old trees

    Old native tea trees populate the rich forests in Lincang, a revered sub-region in Yunnan. Productions from the most famous mountains here almost always come from inside an area called Mengku. One mountain is Bing Dao, which is in fact the name of a lake 1400 meter above sea level. Mountains surrounding this long stretch of water, enriched by the ecology, yield tea leaves rich in minerals and amino acids. Bing Dao is not famous for floral nor fruitiness, but for the power and length of its “cha qi” — tea energy. Tea Hong’s house matured Bing Dao is a top quality representation of the name at an exceptionally friendly price. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster's Box: Shengcha Pu'er Cha Bings. Chrysanthemum classInfusion colour: Maple syrupTCM Neutral-cool iconTea Master's Choice iconGreat value! Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 81.00$ 515.00
    $ 81.00$ 515.00
  • Bulang Peacock 2018, Aged Pu’er shengcha: a full stack, open
    $ 39.00$ 238.00

    Bulang Peacock 2018, aged Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    A Xishuangbanna classic

    Some believe that tea originated in an area bordering Yunnan, Laos and Myanmar. Bulang Mountain lies in the middle of that within the province of Yunnan on the southern tip of an area called Xishuangbanna. Shengcha from this area is rich with flavours and not overtly strong. We have picked a good value production as an optional entry point for exploring this category of tea. Southern Yunnan is also home to the peacock, the beautiful bird that the indigenous tribes love as a symbol of grace and peace. A good tea is exactly that. Connoisseur classInfusion colour: GoldTCM Cool EnergyGreat value! Net weight per discus: 357 g (12.6 oz) Please choose if you'd like a single discus or the whole stack:
    $ 39.00$ 238.00
    $ 39.00$ 238.00
  • Moonlight Teacup, set of 3
    $ 20.10
    $ 20.10
  • Celeste Green teacups, set of three
    $ 10.20
    $ 10.20
  • Moonlight Chahai, bottom up
    $ 15.10

    Moonlight Chahai

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    A matching chahai for the Moonlight Gaiwan. Or pair it with an infusion vessel of your own choice.

    $ 15.10
    $ 15.10
  • Celeste Green Chahai, bottom up
    $ 9.80

    Celeste Green Chahai

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    A classical shape chahai that goes well with an 160ml teapot. Or choose it to pair with the Celeste Green Gaiwan.

    $ 9.80
    $ 9.80
  • Rural Life Gaiwan, tilted
    $ 37.00

    Rural Life Gaiwan

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    Celadon overglaze stoneware

    One issue with smaller gaiwans made from porcelain is the balance of weight while infusing and handling. The lightness in a small volume also means easier heat loss. The use of stoneware alleviate both issues. The brim is made thin, even and firm for easy control when decanting, while the body wall gradually thickens towards the centre for good heat retention. The glass like celadon overglaze makes the vessel as good as porcelain, only with the advantages of a more substantial body. This "Rural Life" gaiwan is one of two hand scripted smaller size selections we have picked from Dehua. The first four lines from a Tang Dynasty poem "Rural Life" are handwritten on the perimeter of the gaiwan. The style of this calligraphic script is Cao Shu, a cursive script. Some call it running script. It seems that the brush was indeed running when the characters were being brushed on the ceramic biscuit. 茶碗上以草書體寫唐代賈島的一首詩,「郊居即事」的開頭四句:


    $ 37.00
    $ 37.00
  • Moonlight Gaiwan, shown as in a set
    $ 25.90

    Moonlight Gaiwan

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    A demanding connoisseur's choice

    While to many drinkers, the white porcelain gaiwan maybe the standard infusion vessel, some need an instrument to further improve the brewing experience. It should have all the advantages of a good porcelain — a thin, well formed brim for good decantation, a hollow in the lid button for keeping it cool enough for handling, a dome-shape lid for air trap, a rounded belly for minimising surface area to volume ratio… just like the Celeste Green Gaiwan has. However, one may want additionally a thicker, denser wall in the bowl for even better heat retention, a more solid weight for more confidence in handling, yet the same smooth, polished surface as porcelain for easy care. That would make the perfect gaiwan. Such as this Moonlight gaiwan. A double glazed stoneware of a very dense clay, it weighs 46% more than a porcelain gaiwan of its size. It has a thicker wall at the belly, yet the same thin brim that you expect of a good gaiwan. Its capacity is 150ml, just like an infusion mug specified in the international tasting standard ISO 3103.
    $ 25.90
    $ 25.90
  • Celeste Green Gaiwan
    $ 17.10

    Celeste Green Gaiwan

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    The plum blossom blooms in mid to late January against the bitterness of Winter. That is why ancient literati had a high regard of the flower, for its metaphoric representation of people with the strength and endurance of holding on Righteousness, even when facing violent repression by the powerful.

    Symbolism aside, the gaiwan's round belly form provides a minimal surface area to volume ratio to maximise heat retention, while fanning out at the brim to quicken cooling for easy handling and smooth decantation. This is a classic shape. The lid has a well form dome for trapping air. A lid button has a well formed hollow to keep itself cool enough for resting your finger on it when handling.

    $ 17.10
    $ 17.10
  • Happiness Gaiwan
    $ 37.00

    Happiness Gaiwan

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    A small gaiwan for the serious drinker

    One issue with smaller gaiwans made from porcelain is the balance of weight while infusing and handling. The lightness in a small volume also means easier heat loss. The use of stoneware alleviate both issues. The brim is made thin, even and firm for easy control when decanting, while the body wall gradually thickens towards the centre for good heat retention. The glass like celadon overglaze makes the vessel as good as porcelain, only with the advantages of a more substantial body. The "Happiness" gaiwan is one of two hand scripted smaller size selections we have picked from Dehua. The two characters for the term "xi le" — happiness — are handwritten separately on the inside and the outside of the gaiwan body. The name of this style of calligraphic script is "Xing Shu" or "Hsing Shu" dependent on which translation system. Or it can be called a semi-cursive script. In dynastic era, it was a non-formal script style used for daily communication but not for formal documents.
    $ 37.00
    $ 37.00
  • Fan Xi Ming: Xishi Yixing teapot: handle
    $ 1,410.00

    Fan Xi Ming: Xishi (Reverse Handle Concubine)

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    Artist: Fan Xi Ming, National Senior Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Reverse Handle Concubine (Daoba Xishi) Material: Da Hong Pao Capacity: 225 ml Creation year: 2021 范錫明 國家高級工藝美術師 壺型:倒把西施 材料:原礦大紅袍 底款:范錫明 製作年份:辛丑
    $ 1,410.00
    $ 1,410.00
  • Sold out
    Li Guo Qiang: Ruyi Stone Ladle Yixing teapot
    $ 250.00

    Li Guo Qiang: Ruyi Stone Ladle

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    Artist: Li Guo Qiang Pot style: Stone Ladle (Shi Piao) Material: Zhu-ni Capacity: 190 ml Creation year: 2021 李國強 壺型:石瓢 材料:朱泥 (證書上寫原礦朱砂) 底款:李國強 製作年份:辛丑
    $ 250.00
    $ 250.00
  • Sold out
    Li Guo Qiang: Old Tree Rapid Spring Yixing Teapot
    $ 330.00

    Li Guo Qiang: Old Tree, Rapid Spring

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    Artist: Li Guo Qiang Pot style: Round Belly (Yun Fu) Material: Da Hong Pao Capacity: 230 ml Creation year: 2021 李國強 壺型:圓腹 材料:大紅袍 底款:李國強 製作年份:辛丑 壺上刻: 古樹老連石  急泉清露沙
    $ 330.00
    $ 330.00
  • Sold out
    Bead Feet Shui Ping Yixing teapot
    $ 290.00

    Feng Ying: Bead Feet Shui Ping

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    Artist: Unknown (Feng Ying) Pot style: Horizontal Level (Shui Ping) Material: Qing Shui Ni Capacity: 260 ml Creation year: Unclear 鳳英 (不詳) 壺型:水平 材料:清水泥 底款:中國宜興 蓋款:鳳英 製作年份:不詳
    $ 290.00
    $ 290.00
  • Sold out
    Gu Lu Zhou: Compass Yixing teapot
    $ 1,840.00

    Gu Lu Zhou: Compass

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    Artist: Gu Lu Zhou, Old Master Pot style: Zhou Pan Material: Old zi-ni Capacity: 235 ml Creation year: Unclear, before 2008 顧陸舟 (陸洲)顧景舟之胞弟 壺型:周盤 材料:老紫泥 底款:陸舟陶藝 製作年份:不詳(2008以前)
    $ 1,840.00
    $ 1,840.00
  • Sold out
    Gu Lu Zhou: Square Spout Stone Ladle Yixing teapot
    $ 1,730.00

    Gu Lu Zhou: Square Spout Stone Ladle

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    Artist: Gu Lu Zhou, Old Master Pot style: Stone Ladle (Shi Piao) Material: Old zi-ni Capacity: 265 ml Creation year: Unclear, before 2008 顧陸舟 (陸洲)顧景舟之胞弟 壺型:石瓢 材料:老紫泥 底款:陸舟 製作年份:不詳(2008以前)
    $ 1,730.00
    $ 1,730.00
  • Sold out
    Hu Xiao Xiang: Stone Ladle Yixing teapot: lid open
    $ 610.00

    Hu Xiao Xiang: Stone Ladle

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    Artist: Hu Xiao Xiang, National Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Stone Ladle (Shi Piao) Material: Zi-ni Capacity: 180 ml Creation year: 2021 胡小香(曉香) 國家工藝美術師 壺型:石瓢 材料:紫泥 底款:胡曉香 製作年份:辛丑
    $ 610.00
    $ 610.00
  • Fan Yu Jun: Zen Talk Yixing teapot
    $ 450.00

    Fan Yu Jun: Zen Talk

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    Artist: Fan Yu Jun, National Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Round Belly (Yuan Fu) Material: Da Hong Pao Capacity: 210 ml Creation year: 2021 范育君 國家工藝美術師 壺型:圓腹 材料:原礦大紅袍 底款:育君製陶 製作年份:辛丑
    $ 450.00
    $ 450.00
  • Sold out
    Zheng Jun: Tall Stone Ladle Yixing teapot
    $ 450.00

    Zheng Jun: Tall Stone Ladle

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    Artist: Zheng Jun, National Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Gao Shi Piao ( Tall Stone Ladle ) Material: Zi-ni Capacity: 230 ml Creation year: 2021 鄭軍 國家工藝美術師 壺型:高石瓢 材料:原礦紫泥 底款:鄭軍陶藝 製作年份:辛丑
    $ 450.00
    $ 450.00
  • Sold out
    Zhang Xue Lei: "Prosperity" Yixing teapot
    $ 420.00

    Zhang Xue Lei: Prosperity

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    Artist: Zhuang Xue Lei, National Associate Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Squashed Belly ( Bian-fu ) Material: Wu hui zisha Capacity: 170 ml 張雪磊 助理國家工藝美術師 壺型:扁腹 材料:焐灰紫砂 底款:張雪磊 另手刻「雪磊手製」
    $ 420.00
    $ 420.00
  • Xue Lei: Clear Song Yixing teapot
    $ 420.00

    Zhang Xue Lei: Clear Song

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    Artist: Zhuang Xue Lei, National Associate Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Shi Piao ( Stone Ladle ) Material: Wu hui zisha Capacity: 150 ml 張雪磊 助理國家工藝美術師 壺型:石瓢 材料:焐灰紫砂 底款:張雪磊 另手刻「雪磊手製」
    $ 420.00
    $ 420.00
  • Sold out
    Xu Ming: Harmony Yixing teapot
    $ 250.00

    Xu Ming: Harmony

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    Artist: Xu Ming, Award-winning Jiangsu Province Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Long Dan ( Dragon Egg ) Material: Zi-ni Capacity: 140 ml Artist certificate with seal stamp 徐明  多項金獎江蘇省工藝美術師 壺型:龍蛋 材料:紫泥 底款:徐明製陶 藝人證書付蓋章
    $ 250.00
    $ 250.00
  • Sold out
    Xu Ming: Lotus Seed Yixing teapot
    $ 250.00

    Xu Ming: Lotus Seed

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    Artist: Xu Ming, Award winning Jiangsu Province Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Lian-zi ( Lotus seed ) Material: Zi-ni Capacity: 150 ml Artist certificate with seal stamp 徐明  多項金獎江蘇省工藝美術師 壺型:蓮子 材料:紫泥 底款:徐明製陶 藝人證書付蓋章
    $ 250.00
    $ 250.00
  • Xu Ming: Cleaning Breeze Yixing teapot
    $ 250.00

    Xu Ming: Cleansing Breeze

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    Artist: Xu Ming, Award winning Jiangsu Province Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Dao Ba Xi Shi Material: Zhu-ni Capacity: 220 ml Artist certificate with seal stamp 徐明  多項金獎江蘇省工藝美術師 壺型:倒把西施 材料:朱泥 底款:徐明製陶 藝人證書付蓋章
    $ 250.00
    $ 250.00
  • Sold out
    Zhou Shun Fang: Hexagonal Stone Ladle — front view
    $ 450.00

    Zhou Shun Fang: Hexagonal Stone Ladle

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    Artist: Zhou Shun Fang, National Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Shi Piao, in a hexagonal manifestation Material: Huang Long Duan Sha Capacity: 164 ml Creation year: 2017 周順芳 國家工藝美術師 壺型:六方石瓢 材料:黃龍段砂 底款:周順芳製 製作年份:丁酉
    $ 450.00
    $ 450.00
  • Old Comrade Mini Tuo 2018, shu cha pu’er
    $ 10.30

    Mini Tuo 2018, shu cha pu’er

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    A single dose, easy tasting post-fermented tea

    Take these little studs to the dimsum restaurant for a real cup of tea to go with those savoury morsels. Or on a trip, or any place where you may make tea only in a mug, or even in a thermo flask. Because of its convenient form of package, there are countless makes of mini tuo in the market. Of all those we have screened, Haiwan’s Old Comrade has always come out as the best in taste. This compact 5 gram single dose yields a sweet, round body with surprisingly fullness. More so considering the very friendly price. Connoisseur classInfusion colorTCM NeutralGreat Value iconStaff Pick icon Net weight: approx 120 g (4.2 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 10.30
    $ 10.30
  • Jade Orchid, winter harvest Phoenix oolong
    $ 21.40

    Jade Orchid, bouquet Phoenix oolong

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    Xue Pian Yu Lan Xiang

    One of the most common practices in tea naming in the Fenghuang region is giving a tea the name of the flower which the farmer associates the aroma with. Some of such flowers are fictitious, yet some are real. Like this one, Yu-lan, after the flower tree Magnolia denudata, a.k.a. Yulan magnolia. Jade orchid — as the name "Yulan" is translated — is a tree native to the region where Phoenix is. The tea cultivar itself is relatively new, having been developed locally by a farmer Wei Li Man in the 1980’s. That is why the more popular name for the plant itself amongst local farmers is Li Man zhong, or Li Man’s cultivar. To me, the winter harvest resembles the flower’s aroma more closely so we select only this for Tea Hong’s Jade Orchid. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster’s Box: Nine Oolong Samplers. Chrysanthemum classInfusion colorTCM Neutral-cool iconStaff pickGreat value Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 21.40
    $ 21.40
  • Sold out
    Aura of the Night Bouquet style Phoenix oolong
    $ 32.20

    Aura of the Night, bouquet Phoenix oolong

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    Yelai Xiang Dancong

    The complex, yet bright and lively floral aroma of this tea is associated with a native flower, yelai xiang, aka Chinese violet. It is a vine yielding light yellow small flowers that are especially fragrant at night, hence the name, yelai xiang — the fragrance that comes in the night, from which we have derived our product name. The plant is native in Guangdong province and neighbouring areas. It is the province where the Phoenix region situates. It has taken us some work to get to Lion Head Peak ( see below for more about the origin ) to acquire this best quality representation of the variety. Please enjoy. Trinity class iconInfusion colour: GoldTCM Neutral-cool Energy TaichiTea Master's Choice iconStaff Pick icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 32.20
    $ 32.20
  • Black Tea: Ying Hong Nine
    $ 20.80

    Ying Hong Nine, traditional black tea

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    Prodigy Black Tea of Yingde

    Although the ancestry of cultivar Ying Hong #9 was taken from the rugged mountains of Yunnan 60 years ago, the tea tree has acquired a very different characteristics in the much milder climate on the rolling hills of middle Guangdong. However, not all farms are able to produce a warm sweet black tea with a rich and smooth body as Tea Hong’s Ying Hong Nine. This patiently withered and oxidised selection is processed in the Guangdong style and optimally baked for its creamy characteristics and fruity accents. A prize-winning quality at great value. Delta classInfusion colour: WolfberryTCM NeutralStaff Pick iconGreat Value icon Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 20.80
    $ 20.80
  • Honey Concubine Guifei oolong
    $ 26.90

    Honey Concubine, medium deep baked Taiwan oolong

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    Guifei Oolong from Cold Peak

    Guifei Oolong ( or Honey Concubine Tea, literally translated ) is a medium deep baked, medium oxidation ( 25 ~ 30% ) oolong produced from the Ruan Zhi cultivar in the Dong Ding ( Cold Peak ) area. It is different from the traditional Cold Peak oolong. The leaves of Guifei are bitten by green leafhoppers before plucking. The bug attack triggers a chain of biochemical reactions in the leaves that result in the complex honey notes that typify this tea. It was inspired by the way Oriental Beauty acquires its unique taste profile. However the two teas taste very differently through each’s own unique oolong processing approaches and pluck timing. The tea was invented after the devastation of an earthquake in September 1999, when the farmers had to create more revenue to rebuild their lost homes. «Read more» Baked to perfection by our producer the multiple award-winning tea master Chen Yu Wen, the current batch is certainly one of the best we have ever had from her. Net weight: 70g (2.5oz) in Kraft-alu pillow pack Taichi ClassMaple syrupNeutral EnergyTea Master's Choice iconStaff Pick icon
    $ 26.90
    $ 26.90
  • Huoshan Huangya, or Huo Shan Yellow Tips, a famous traditional yellow tea
    $ 24.80

    Huo Shan Yellow Tips, traditional yellow tea

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    Renaissance of a millennium old tribunal yellow tea

    For the same refreshing, cleansing sensation as the finest Huangshan Maofeng, ample green tea’s health constituents, yet with the absence of astringency, a yellow tea like Huo Shan Huang Ya ( i.e. Yellow Tips ) is a best choice. This superb first flush selection is produced almost like a Maofeng green tea but lightly oxidised by covering the tea when it is still very warm during processing. The heat converted some of the leaf constituents into simpler sugars. This particular step gives a softer, sweeter and much easier taste but as delightfully quenching and more body. The concept of this technique has been millennium old, yet it is only in recent years that really fine tasting products become available and accessible. Distinctive as Tea Hong’s Huo Shan Yellow Tips is still rare. Taichi ClassCanary yellowTCM Neutral-cool iconStaff Pick iconGreat Value icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 24.80
    $ 24.80
  • Taiwan oolong: Wenshan Paochong
    $ 21.80

    Wenshan Paochong, light style Taiwan oolong

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    "Baozhong" from a true Taiwan master

    Originally labelled as “Floral Aroma Tea”, today Paochong is produced in many parts of Taiwan and China, but that in the northern part of Taiwan around Taipei, where it made its name*, remains the most reputable. The highest quality is found in only a few small family farms where the traditional craft continues to pass on and evolve. Like that of Master Weng. Although his production management is certified as ISO22000, this 5th generation tea farmer insists that processing is an art and personally attends to all details of the workflow. That is probably why his farm has won in not only Paochong competitions but also a nationally awarded agricultural entity. Tea Hong is proud to present the best work of this highly devoted tea master. Likely to bring a much more joyous experience than any of what made the tea famous in the past centuries, for what the arts and science, love and sweats have accumulatively invested in its making. Delta classMorning sun yellowTCM Neutral-cool Energy Taichigreat valueStaff Pick icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 21.80
    $ 21.80
  • Tieguanyin Stout
    $ 18.30

    Tieguanyin Stout, bouquet oolong

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    Summit of Chang Keng

    While Tea Hong's Tieguanyin Traditional is a softer, sweeter style of the bead-rolled oolong, Tieguanyin Stout from the summit of Chang Keng, although from the same strand of cultivar, yields a much more robust taste profile. Local people say that is due to the soil and higher mineral content of the underground water. Considering the location is only about one hour away from where Tieguanyin Traditional is produced within the same county, it is quite amazing. Maybe it is also due to the slightly different style of processing, we guess. We are happy to have found it at this pristine quality after all, so as to offer to you an alternative style of this most well-known Fujian oolong. Delta classLemon yellowTCM Cool EnergyStaff pickGreat Value icon Net weight: 100g (3.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 18.30
    $ 18.30
  • $ 11.20

    Lotus Drum

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    Classic Qing style teacup

    Drum shape teacup with stylised lotus motifs in enamel overglaze. Diameter: 6.9 cm Capacity: 100 ml Material: Kaolin white china with enamel overglaze and golden trimmings Content: 1 cup
    $ 11.20
    $ 11.20
  • Sold out
    $ 25.70

    Wood-fired Lotus

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    Craft Teacups: Special Glaze series

    Diameter: 8.1 cm Capacity: 121 ml Material: Hand-thrown stoneware with hand-painted lotus motif Content: 1 cup
    $ 25.70
    $ 25.70
  • Sold out
    $ 32.80

    Ru Ware Ruby Splash

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    Craft Teacups: Special Glaze series

    Diameter: 7.7 cm Capacity: 105 ml Material: Hand-thrown ceramic with Ru ware style glaze on the inside and splatter overglaze on the outside. Content: 1 cup
    $ 32.80
    $ 32.80
  • $ 12.70

    Gold Foot

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    Gold overlaid on applique

    Shooter teacup with tall foot design in gold overlaid on appliqué. Diameter: 6.9 cm Capacity: 73 ml Material: Kaolin white china with enamel overglaze and golden trimmings Content: 1 cup
    $ 12.70
    $ 12.70
  • $ 25.70

    Ru Ware Teal Blue

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    Craft Teacups: Special Glaze series

    Diameter: 7.7 cm Capacity: 123 ml Material: Double glaze over Yixing style clay, with Ruyao ( Ru ware ) effect on the inside Content: 1 cup
    $ 25.70
    $ 25.70
  • Sold out
    $ 32.80

    Ru Ware Canary Tears

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    Craft Teacups: Special Glaze series

    Diameter: 7.2 cm Capacity: 250 ml Material: Hand-thrown stoneware with Ru ware style glaze on the inside and special effect overglaze on the outside Content: 1 cup
    $ 32.80
    $ 32.80
  • Yiwu Puer Maocha
    $ 13.90

    Yiwu Maocha 2017, Pu’er shengcha

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    Famous Origin

    It is said that the indigenous people in Yiwu Mountain began using tea for its medicinal purposes in the third century. The cure would soon became a beverage habit and later a trading commodity. Regardless of history, Yiwu is indeed one of the most renowned region in Yunnan for the tea’s fragrance. We have discovered a great value batch to share with you for a taste of this character without the usual unreal price tag. By design, there are two younger teas in this Puer Maocha series and this is one of them. Some people like their maocha fresher, while others prefer it aged. Enjoy! Morning sun yellowTCM Cold energyGreat Value icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 13.90
    $ 13.90
  • Bang Xie maocha, pu'er shengcha tea
    $ 24.30

    Bang Xie Maocha 2007, Pu’er shengcha

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    Whipping Rattan Tea

    In historical herbal literature, tea is referred to as bitter, “extremely cold” to the body constituents, but effectively detoxicating. That basically is what is the raw tea leaf. While green tea is cooked, and most white tea is from plants that are severely tamed through breeding, Pu’er maocha maybe the closest thing one can get commercially nowadays for what the ancients had referred to. Yet in order to offer a tea that is taste worthy, we have to find plants that are strong and soil that is rich to provide that potential. And dry those leaves from the first flush and age them well to round off all the edges and deepen the tastes. A Whipping Rattan Tea bush is such pruned that buds just flush in the tips of its few branches. All the plant’s nutrients are thus focused in these few young leaves. We think that would be good raw material for us to process and age. Presenting the very special Whipping Rattan Bang Xie Maocha, aged since 2007. A unique Pu’er tea in every way. icon-taichiInfusion colour: GoldTCM Neutral-cool Energy TaichiTea Master's Choice iconGreat Value icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 24.30
    $ 24.30
  • Sold out
    Bulang Old Tree Shu Puer Cha Bing
    $ 40.40$ 252.00

    Bulang Old Tree 2011, Pu’er shu cha bing

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    Stone Mortar Pressed Shu Cha Bing

    Post-fermentation in pu’er production is like black tea processing in that it gives sweetness, roundness and body to a tea, although it is a far more specialised, time-consuming and difficult method to master. The result, however, is a shu cha possible of a far more complex and intriguing taste profile. To achieve that, we need to begin with a good raw material. That’s where the old tea tree forests in Bulang Mountain comes in. The diversity in these wild growing trees and the deep rich soils they grow in offer leaves that are not only rich in polyphenols, but also minerals and amino acids that are the prerequisites for an outstanding tea. That is why the subregion is one of the most renowned in Yunnan. Tea Hong has selected a very small workshop who respects the process so much that they even manually compress the post-fermented tealeaves using traditional style stone mortars rather than a pneumatic press. Their mastery results in a very firmly formed cha bing with a deep full body. Presenting Tea Hong’s Bulang Old Tree 2011. Handpicked first flush painstakingly post-fermented for 75 days before compression. Den matured at Tea Hong for those who want a lot from their shu cha pu’er. Chrysanthemum classinfusion colour: deep burgundyTCM Neutral-warm Energy TaichiStaff Pick iconGreat Value icon There are two product variants to choose from: A single discus of 357g net weight in the original paper wrap, or a traditional vending form of 7 cha bings bundled in a bamboo sleeve, net weight totalling 2.5 kg. Please click below to see either options.
    $ 40.40$ 252.00
    $ 40.40$ 252.00
  • Tea Hong: Lao Tong Zhi 7548 2007
    $ 52.10$ 347.00

    Old Comrade “7548” 2007, matured Pu’er shengcha cha bing

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    45 years of refined tea mastery

    When I first entered Zao Bing Liang’s tasting room, the air is filled with the freshness of the aroma of maocha. Bags of samples from newly collected loose leaves lined up in rows, each marked with a numeric code. The teas were trucked in from the various mountains in the region. Some maybe less than 30 minutes away, others can be a full day. Yunnan is over 10% larger even than the whole of Germany and tea trees exist in almost all of its mountains. Some of these maochas are from highly sought after famous villages or mountains, which will be individually made into products carrying their origin names to demand very high market prices. A new discus from Ban Zhang, for example, can easily be fetching thousands of dollars. Aged ones are even much pricier. Yet there are more others from not as highly demanded origins, but also taste worthy. That’s where Zao’s “formulae” come in. Since the 1970’s, the old master has developed a number of recipes for ganging up harvests from origins of lesser known names for more affordable delicious teas. 7548 is the code name for his most prized and classic shengcha formula. These bags of samples in lines were there for the old master to finalise which batches and what proportion for the mix. He does that every harvest, for every product. Presenting the 7548 cha bing from Lao Tong Zhi ( ie Old Comrade ), Master Zao’s very own tea brand. Batch 701 is the first batch of year 2007. That means the best of the year and matured till now. It is a prime product of old Master Zao’s passion for bringing quality to more people without the price tag of premium origin labels. Delta class iconTCM Neutral-cool Energy TaichiTea Master's Choice iconGreat Value icon There are two product variants to choose from: A single discus of 357g net weight in the original paper wrap, or a traditional vending form of 7 cha bings bundled in a bamboo sleeve, net weight totalling 2.5 kg. Please click below to see either options.
    $ 52.10$ 347.00
    $ 52.10$ 347.00
  • Tea leaves of Hong Yu Deep White
    $ 23.50

    Hong Yu Deep White, deep oxidation Taiwan white tea

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    White tea with a twist

    The very same cultivar which leaves that make the black tea, Fragrance of Taiwan — Red Jade — is employed to make this unique white tea. Where the black tea has an upfront distinctive character which tea novices may need time to grow into, the white tea version is a lot friendlier for understanding this wonderful camellia formosenisis species with. Hong Yu Deep White has the light and easy first impression like other white teas, but that will grow in your palate to the roundness of an aged black tea and the floral character of an oolong. An unmistakable gastronomical signature uniquely its own seamlessly holds all elements together as a continuum of olfactory-palatial sensation experience. Delta class iconInfusion colour: GoldTCM Neutral-cool Energy TaichiTea Master's Choice iconGreat Value icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 23.50
    $ 23.50
  • Shan Lin Xi Oolong product shot
    $ 21.10

    Shan Lin Xi, light style Taiwan oolong

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    From the Stream of Cypress Woods

    To most people, teas from Taiwan are synonymous with high mountain oolongs. Officially, these are the four top subregions for the tea: Alishan, Shan Lin Xi, Li Shan, and Yu Shan. We already carry quite a few Alishan’s, to find one from the others, we have been relentlessly searching. It has to be one comparable to those from Alishan but individualistic enough. Shan Lin Xi — literally Stream of Cypress Woods — is an area deep in a national reserve in the mountainous central area of the island country. Two hour driving from the station in the small city of Chia Yi, you will have climbed 1000m on the curvy roads deep in the sparse village areas with dense tall trees and quite many degrees lower than down there. Tea patches are hidden here and there amongst forests, occasional clusters of bamboos and a great diversity of wild plants. The same Chin Hsin Gan Chi cultivar grown here yields leaves that seem to have acquired a different character, a somehow lighter yet more complex, more stimulating tinkle. Previously when I was still operating a teahouse, some customers came to do Zen with tea as the medium. I guess this Shan Lin Xi Oolong can be one for it too. taichi classCanary yellowTCM Cool EnergyTea Master's Choice icon Net weight: 70 g (2.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 21.10
    $ 21.10
  • Sold out
    TTES 17 green tea Bai Lu
    $ 17.90

    Snowy Egret, Taiwan green tea

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    Bai Lu Green Tea

    Most green tea varieties made in Taiwan are processed with an approach so minimalist that the quality of the harvest and the characteristics of the cultivar almost entirely dictate the resultant taste profile. Processing skills are needed there to optimise it but when the weather or harvesting condition are not good, there is not a lot one can do during processing to salvage the quality. In order to deliver the very best representation of what a premium Taiwan green tea can be, we have chosen a flavourful cultivar that many have used to produce black teas and Oriental Beauty with for our green tea: TTES#17*. Tea Hong’s Snowy Egret is made in a specially designated farm from only the first flush of Bai Lu and masterfully handmade by the farm’s owner. Still, a fine harvest like this one in offer cannot be taken for granted every year. Delta class iconMorning sun yellowTCM Cool EnergyTea Master's Choice iconGreat Value icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 17.90
    $ 17.90
  • The tiny, twirly, delicate little leaves of Mo Gan Yellow Snails yellow tea
    $ 29.90

    Mo Gan Yellow Snails, yellow tea

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    Revitalising an old yellow tea

    Tea Hong’s Mo Gan Yellow Snails is a break away from the old Mo Gan Yellow Tip. We have greatly modified traditional yellowing to give the tea a distinctive yellow look and a taste that is different from both green tea and old style yellow tea. A neo-yellow. Unlike other tea categories, old style yellow tea has not prospered in all these decades since tea’s revival after the destructive Mao era. Its taste needs a lot more to create followers. Similarly from the mountain of Mo Gan in the region of Zhejiang, Tea Hong’s Mo Gan Yellow Snails has departed from the dull colours of the old to maintain a brisk freshness in the look and taste, while achieving a characteristic “cooked” warmth and sweetness that is the real spirit of yellow tea. Now that is a good individualistic character to have a place in any tea repertoire. icon-taichiCanaryTCM Neutral-cool Energy TaichiStaff Pick icon Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 29.90
    $ 29.90
  • Phoenix oolong: Shemen Dancong
    $ 34.00

    Shèmen Dancong Double Baked, Phoenix dancong oolong

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    Rock tea of Phoenix

    Deep in Wudong, the most revered area for Fenhuang Dancong production, the village of Shèmen ( sheh-mehn ) is home to one of the most elusive traditional style oolongs. Here the Shè ( 畬 ) tribe settled a thousand years ago and began producing oolong to bake it in a way that was copied in Wuyishan a few hundred years later to produce Wuyi oolongs. Tea Hong’s double baked and matured Shèmen Dancong is our best attempt to reconstruct the same tea of the peace-loving and hard-working Shè people 10 centuries ago. This old style oolong gives a clear and most eloquent definition of the tea term yan-yun — music from the rock. The term has been mostly employed to describe better Wuyi oolongs yet it has never been more beautifully defined by this Phoenix tea. If you ever wonder about the relationship of the oolongs between the two regions, this may well be the link you are looking for.  ClassInfusion colorTCM character: NeutralStaff pickTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 34.00
    $ 34.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot by Xu Feng: Duo Zhi
    $ 102.00

    Xu Feng: Nourishing the Mind

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    Artist: Xu Feng, National Industrial Artist Pot style: Duo Zhi Material: Zhu-ni Capacity: 250 ml 徐峰 國家工藝美術員 壺型:掇隻 材料:朱泥 底款:徐峰製陶
    $ 102.00
    $ 102.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing Teapot | Fan Yu Jun: Bamboo Whisper
    $ 388.00

    Fan Yu Jun: Bamboo Whisper

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    Artist: Fan Yu Jun, National Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Han Bell Material: Zisha / Duanni blend Capacity: 200 ml Standard series certificate with signature and seal stamp 范育君 國家工藝美術師 壺型:漢鐘 材料:紫泥混段砂 底款:育君製陶 系列統一證書付簽名蓋章
    $ 388.00
    $ 388.00
  • Sold out
    Jia Bing Hu: Reverse Handle Concubine
    $ 99.00

    Jia Bing Hu: Reverse Handle Concubine

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    Artist: Jia Bing Hu Pot style: Dao Ba Xishi — Reverse Handle Concubine Material: Da Hong Pao Capacity: 145 ml 賈炳虎 潘壺 大紅袍 底款:賈炳虎製
    $ 99.00
    $ 99.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot | Zhou Yu Wang: Reverse Handle Concubine
    $ 200.00

    Zhou Yu Wang: Water Melody

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    Artist: Zhou Yu Wang Pot style: Reverse Handle Concubine ( Daoba Xishi ) Material: Zhisha Capacity: 280 ml 周圩旺 民間藝人 壺型:倒把西施 材料:原礦紫砂 底款:周圩旺制
    $ 200.00
    $ 200.00
  • Yixing teapot by Chen Shun Pei
    $ 710.00

    Chen Shun Pei: Panhu

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    Artist: Chen Shun Pei ( aka Chen Xiao Pei ), National Senior Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Panhu Material: Original Zisha Capacity: 280 ml Artist signed printed generic certificate 陳順培 (藝名 陳小培)國家高級工藝美術師 潘壺 原礦紫砂 底款:陳順培 彩色印刷證書付簽名
    $ 710.00
    $ 710.00
  • Sold out
    Yunnan Zitao Teapot | Yau Cheng: Dragon Egg — 3 colours
    $ 118.00

    You Cheng: Dragon Egg ( Long Dan )

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    Studio: You Cheng Pot style: Long Dan ( dragon egg ) Material: Yunnan Jianshui Zitao Capacity: 180ml ( coffee colour ) ~ 250ml ( black ) — capacity does vary from pot to pot, as do detail shape and design. 友成(壺藝團) 壺型:龍蛋 材料:建水紫陶 底款:友成/ 張超初
    $ 118.00
    $ 118.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot: Diamond by Shen Jian Kang — front
    $ 1,290.00

    Shen Jian Kang: Diamond

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    Artist: Shen Jian Kang, National Senior Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Yuan Zhu ( round bead ) Material: Dicao-qing Zisha with Duan-ni kernels Capacity: 310 ml Customised certificate with signature and seal stamp 沈建康 國家高級工藝美術師 壺型:圓珠(另稱一粒珠) 材料:底槽清紫泥加段泥砂粒 底款:沈建康印 藝人自家證書付簽名蓋章
    $ 1,290.00
    $ 1,290.00
  • Sold out
    Yunnan Zitao teapots
    $ 174.00

    Yunnan Zitao: Black Lotus Seed

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    雲南紫陶 黑蓮子

    Artist: Wang Zhi Ping ( seal name: Su Shou ) Pot style: Lianzi ( Lotus Seed ) Material: Zitao ( Yunnan Purple Fine Clay ) Capacity: 180 ml 王志平 蓮子 雲南 紫陶 底款:素手
    $ 174.00
    $ 174.00
  • Ziato Bai-ni Bian Fu Hu
    $ 270.00

    Wang Zhi Ping: Drum ( Fang Gu )

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    紫陶白泥 仿鼓壺

    Artist: Wang Zhi Ping Pot style: Drum ( Fang Gu ) Material: Zitao Bai-ni ( Yunnan White Zitao Clay ) Capacity: 190 ml 王志平 仿鼓壺 雲南 紫陶白泥 底款:王志平
    $ 270.00
    $ 270.00
  • Sold out
    Zhao Li Ping, Shi-piao
    $ 308.00

    Zhou Li Ping: Stone Ladle

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    Artist: Zhou Li Ping, National Associate Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Shi Piao (Stone Ladle) Material: Qing Shui Ni Capacity: 220 ~ 240 ml Year: 2014 Signed certificate 周麗萍、國家助理工藝美術師 清水泥 底款:周麗萍製 蓋款:麗萍、周 簽名證書
    $ 308.00
    $ 308.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot by Min Ya Ping — Da Hong Pao
    $ 90.00

    Min Ya Ping: Da Hong Pao

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    Artist: Min Ya Ping Pot style: Fang Gu ( In the Form of Ancient Drum )/ Duo Qiu Material: Da Hong Pao Yixing Clay Capacity: 300 ml No certificate 閔雅萍 仿鼓 / 掇球 原礦大紅袍 底款:閔雅萍製 /原礦大紅袍 無證書
    $ 90.00
    $ 90.00
  • Sold out
    Black Steel Yixing Teapot by Min Ya Ping
    $ 108.00

    Min Ya Ping: Black Steel

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    Artist: Min Ya Ping Pot style: Fang Gu ( In the Form of Ancient Drum ) Material: Hei Jin Gang ( Black Steel ) Yixing Clay Capacity: 310 ml No certificate 閔雅萍 仿鼓 原礦黑金剛 底款:閔雅萍製 /原礦黑金剛 無證書
    $ 108.00
    $ 108.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing Teapot | Jin Yen Ping: Butterfly
    $ 240.00

    Jin Yan Ping: Butterfly

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    Artist: Jin Yan Ping Pot style: Yuan Zhu Duo Zhi Material: Zi-ni ( Purple clay ) Capacity: 310 ml No certificate 金燕萍 蝶採花:圓珠掇只 原礦紫泥 底款:金燕萍製 蓋款:金、燕萍 無證書
    $ 240.00
    $ 240.00
  • Tongmuguan One - traditional black tea
    $ 26.90

    Tongmuguan One, traditional black tea

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    Rare Quality Meizhan Hong Cha

    Not many black teas can achieve a smooth and full body. To have a floral, yet warm aroma with spicy sweetness and complexity of dried fruit would be a luxury. Tongmuguan One makes it even better by delivering the whole package with a sophisticated balance and yet subtle uniqueness unfound in its peers. A very limited batch produced in the mecca of xiao zhong gungfu black tea, Tongmuguan, this finely processed leaves of Meizhan is precious not because it is rare, but because it is so demanding to produce to this quality. It is not every year that we can achieve a gem like this. icon-taichiMaple SyrupTCM Neutral-warm Energy TaichiStaff Pick iconTea Master's Choice icon Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 26.90
    $ 26.90
  • Taiwan Oolong: Alishan Jinxuan
    $ 21.10

    Winter Alishan Jinxuan, bouquet style Taiwan oolong

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    the oolong with an accent of milk

    In the early 80’s when the tea was first available to the market, tea tasters described Jinxuan oolong as having an accent of milk. The simple remark has sparked waves of imitation products, all involving adding flavouring. This continues until today. Jinxuan maybe one of the more popular cultivars in Taiwan, but it takes mastery to harvest and process it properly for that natural and slight “milk” accents, and all the other finer tea qualities. Tea Hong’s Alishan Jinxuan is just that. Non-blended first flush superbly produced to the same balance as Prof Wu Zhenduo* had originally intended it to be. As the same cleansing, soft taste profile that made it famous in the beginning. Nothing added, purely as we have always like our tea to be. Delta class iconMorning sun yellowTCM Cold TaichiStaff Pick iconGreat value! Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 21.10
    $ 21.10
  • Matured White Tea: King Silver
    $ 23.10

    King Silver, matured traditional white tea

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    Baihao Yinzhen at its best

    If you like Silver Needle for its health benefits, but wish for more taste, King Silver is perhaps the choice. There are a few reasons why this pure leaf shoot white tea has better epicurean appeal: 
    1. Traditional processing — it takes more time, more mastery
    2. Mastery in maturing — not most people in the tea trade know how to mature a white tea like we do
    3. Special cultivar — we have employed a special cultivar that combines the complexity of a Yunnan Daye and the sweetness of Fuding Dabai to have it grown in Zhenghe, the mecca for old style white tea
    4. Top quality pluck — only top quality first flush from our specially appointed garden, no blending. Not only does that give a uniform, pleasing visual appeal, but also the fantastic taste that is possible only with such care and dedication.
    icon-taichiMorning sun yellowTCM Neutral-cool Energy TaichiStaff Pick icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 23.10
    $ 23.10
  • Fine silvery hairs cover he beautifully rolled tiny leaves of the green tea Biluochun.
    $ 35.90

    Biluochun Supreme, traditional green tea

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    The Aromatic Green Snail

    These fragrant little leaves are so fluffy that one may want to make a down pillow out of them for sweet dreams every night. However, they are certainly not the softest tasting green tea. A fine Biluochun like Tea Hong’s does have a smooth body but enough character for optimal stimulation. Yet gentle enough to be one’s company throughout the day, even when you are searching deep inside for that piece of critical article you have to write, as those royals or literati did in old Qing China. Trinity class iconMorning sun yellowTCM Cool EnergyGreat Value iconStaff Pick icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 35.90
    $ 35.90
  • Minnan oolong: Tieguanyin Traditional
    $ 26.90

    Tieguanyin Traditional, bouquet oolong

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    Original Tieguanyin Cultivar

    To old time aficionados, tieguanyin is not just about floral aroma. They seek yun-wei, which can be roughly translated as “lingering taste of various tones and accents”. For the right yun-wei, we went to the origin of tieguanyin for a fourth generation farm high in altitude. Tea Hong’s Tieguanyin Traditional is produced from a particular patch where only matured shrubs of the thorough-breed cultivar grow and are harvested only once year. This is to ensure maximum amount of taste and salutary substances are stored in the young leaves for subsequent mastery processing for the wonderful lingering taste of various tones and accents. Like a fine old style tieguanyin should be. Delta class iconLemon yellowTCM Cool EnergyStaff Pick icon Net weight: 100 g (3.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 26.90
    $ 26.90
  • Light-bake green tea: Anji Baipian aka Anji Baicha
    $ 24.40

    White Tea of Anji, traditional green tea

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    The Green Tea that is called White

    If a green tea is judged only by how umami it is, a lower grade than Tea Hong’s Anji Baipian* may already top the chart. The grace of this top quality of one of the most sought after name in green teas is not measured only by its savouriness, but its silky smooth and soft body and elegance in its taste character. Perhaps that is why the small county of Anji is never producing enough to satisfy the demand from the growing affluent class in China. That said, it is good to see a small counter trend against the taste of expensive vulgarity in that vast population. icon-taichiLemon yellowTCM Cool EnergyStaff Pick icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide kraft-alu pack
    $ 24.40
    $ 24.40
  • Wuyi Oolong: Qi Lan | Lily Eccentric
    $ 27.80

    Lily Eccentric, Wuyi yancha oolong

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    Wuyi Qi Lan Premium

    Originated in the south, Qi Lan cultivars attain new characters growing in the more rugged landscape of Wuyi. Since late last century, traders have taken advantage of its distinctive and pleasing aroma to mislabel it as the much demanded, but hugely misrepresented Red Cloak, Iron Buddha, or other famous Wuyi oolongs. Some blend it in other varieties for the same disguise purpose. Tea Hong’s Qi Lan is a premium single batch production that is optimally fermented and baked to allow the full, glorious taste profile of the tea. Some say if one has not experienced Qi Lan, one will never know what Wuyi teas really are. We’d say this eccentric lily has its unique place in the great family of oolongs. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster’s Box: Nine Oolong Samplers. icon-taichiMaple SyrupNeutral EnergyGreat Value iconTea Master's Choice icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 27.80
    $ 27.80
  • Phoenix oolong: Huangzhi Xiang Classic
    $ 27.10

    Huangzhi Xiang Classic, Phoenix dancong oolong

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    Fragrance of Kumquat Fenghuang Dancong

    Produced with the leaves from the cousin of our Song Cultivar, Tea Hong’s Huangzhi Xiang Classic is baked with more depth and thus a classic Phoenix oolong finish. Like all other tea of this family, patience and expertise in proper finish-processing and maturing is critical in delivering quality. It is a traditional art that has been largely forgotten. We are bringing it back at Tea Hong. The taste quality of this very Fenghuang Dancong tells you why this heritage matters. It is also the reason one may pay more elsewhere for a tea of the same name, but not quite getting the same level of enjoyment. icon-taichiInfusion colour: GoldTCM Neutral-cool iconGreat Value iconTea Master's Choice icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 27.10
    $ 27.10
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot — Wu Min: Bamboo Shi-piao
    $ 230.00

    Wu Min: Stone Ladle, Tall

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    Artist: Wu Min Pot style: Shi Piao ( Stone Ladle ) Material: Zi-ni ( Purple clay ) Capacity: 260 ml Signed certificate with artist portrait 吳敏 高石瓢 原礦紫泥 底款:吳敏製陶 蓋款:吳、吳敏 簽名並照片證書
    $ 230.00
    $ 230.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot — Song Ru Qiang: Duoba Xishi, top view
    $ 330.00

    Song Ru Qiang: Hexagon Xishi

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    Artist: Song Ru Qiang Pot style: Daoba Xishi (Reverse Handle Concubine) with hexagon details Material: Di Cao Qing, from Huang Long Shan zisha mine number 4 Capacity: 240 ml Signed certificate 宋如强 黃龍山四號井紫砂底槽清 底款:如強製陶 蓋款:宋、如強 簽名證書
    $ 330.00
    $ 330.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot — Yao Ling Xiang: Stone Ladle, front view
    $ 710.00

    Yao Ling Xiang: Stone Ladle

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    Artist: Yao Ling Xiang, National Associate Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Shi Piao (Stone Ladle) Material: Original Zi-ni Capacity: 400 ml Year: 2015 Signed certificate 姚玲香( 國家助理工藝美術師 ) 原礦紫泥 底款:姚玲香製 蓋款:玲香、姚 簽名證書
    $ 710.00
    $ 710.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot — Yao Ling Xiang: Reverse Handle Concubine: top
    $ 740.00

    Yao Ling Xiang: Reverse Handle Concubine

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    Artist: Yao Ling Xiang, National Associate Master Industrial Artist Pot style: Daoba Xishi (Reverse Handle Concubine) Material: Original Duanni Capacity: 365 ml Year: 2015 Signed certificate 姚玲香、國家助理工藝美術師 原礦段泥 底款:姚玲香製 蓋款:玲香、姚 簽名證書
    $ 740.00
    $ 740.00
  • Sold out
    Yixing teapot — Yang Li Ya: Zijinsha
    $ 124.00$ 129.00

    Yang Li Ya: Zi Jin Sha

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    Artist: Yang Li Ya ( National Industrial Artist ) Pot style: Duo Qiu / Pan Hu Material: Zi Jin Sha ( Golden Sand Purple Clay ) Capacity: Duo Qiu 240 ml; Pan Hu 280 ml Stamped certificate 楊麗亞( 國家工藝美術員 ) 掇球、潘壺 底款:麗亞陶藝 蓋款:楊、麗亞
    $ 124.00$ 129.00
    $ 124.00$ 129.00
  • Cold Dew Alishan Oolong
    $ 27.00

    Cold Dew Alishan, bouquet Taiwan oolong

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    Winter Chin-shin Oolong

    In subtropical Taiwan, the intense humidity that creates the misty atmosphere of Alishan — the tallest mountain in the island nation — dissipates partially when the chill of late Autumn sets in. In October, the sky stays clearer for longer. Little leaves that spout during this time have amply stored up for the few drier months ahead. These are great conditions for oolong harvest and processing. Presenting Cold Dew1 Alishan, masterfully rebaked from the premium Autumn harvest of Chin-shin tea trees. Oolongs made from this quintessential Taiwan wulong cultivar have a few times more teaghrelin2 than any others3, though we hope you buy it more for the great taste of this archetypical Taiwan premium oolong. Taichi class iconCanaryTCM Neutral-cool iconTea Master's Choice icon ­Net weight: 70 g (2.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 27.00
    $ 27.00
  • Blue Shiiba, Nepali semi-oolong
    $ 29.90

    Blue Shiiba, Nepali semi-oolong

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    Kyushu wild tea reincarnates as an oolong in the Himalayas

    Our Nepali farmer has taken a native wild tea plant from the island of Kyushu, Japan, to try propagating it in the Himalayas. The distinctly different terroir has not been kind to the small leaves so not every harvest gives you a satisfying result. The processing technique has been continuously evolving in the past decade to arrive at what we think is a wonderful manifestation of this unique tea cultivar. A batch as this on offer is rare. To us, it embraces the tea’s heritage as a wok roasted green tea, yet attaining a bouquet found only in fine Taiwan oolongs like that of Wenshan Paochong, while unmistakably carrying the complex tones and finishes afforded by the unique environment on this altitude on the roof of the Earth. icon-taichiCanaryTCM Neutral-cool Energy TaichiEU-Organic-LogoUSDA-Organic-SealTea Master's Choice icon Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 29.90
    $ 29.90
  • Phoenix oolong: Phoenix Sweet Osmanthus
    $ 23.40

    Phoenix Sweet Osmanthus, traditional flower scented oolong

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    Traditional basket oven scented

    For those who prefer finer tea tastes on top of real flower fragrance in their scented teas, Phoenix Sweet Osmanthus is an ultimate choice. Freshly picked osmanthus flower buds are sprinkled onto a thin layer of Honey Orchid Phoenix oolong in a bamboo basket over low charcoal ash fire. The same way as this has been done for centuries. The result is a natural, sweet, sensually aromatic epicurean experience few other scented teas can compare. Extended reading: Scenting of Phoenix Sweet Osmanthus Delta classinfusion color: goldTCM character: neutralstaff pickgreat value Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 23.40
    $ 23.40
  • Serene Water Pearl Tea, aka Ping Shui Zhu Cha
    $ 14.80

    Serene Water Pearl Tea, traditional green tea

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    Ping Shui Zhu Cha:

    Back-track 3 centuries to when Qing China was still grand and tea was a respectable drink, zhu cha ( pearl tea ) from Ping Shui — the town of Serene Water — approached the price of gold when auctioned in London. As popularity grew, compromised products took over the market and resulted in those greyish bad taste that is known as “gunpowder” today. Tea Hong revives the original sweet tasting jewel of green teas in the same revered and enjoyable quality in the cups of the gentiles in both the East and the West in the good old days, but at a far more democratically accessible price. Connoisseur's classInfusion colorTCM CoolGreat value Net weight: 60 g (2.1 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 14.80
    $ 14.80
  • Iron Buddha Supreme 2016
    $ 29.10

    Iron Buddha Supreme, Wuyi yancha oolong

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    Bamboo Forest Tiě Luohan:

    Overshadowed by the more promoted Red Cloak, Iron Buddha ( Tiě Luohan ) is actually as taste-worthy, if not more, than any of the so-called “famous” Wuyi oolongs. It is not proven that whether it is the oldest oolong cultivar in Wuyi as they say, but it is certainly one that is not the easiest to cultivate and to produce from. Finding a farmer to process it to the taste profile that befits its legend and our quality demand has been a challenge. It took us 15 years. Presenting Tea Hong’s Iron Buddha Supreme, with that complex charcoal finish yet sweet floral aroma, stout yet lingering “rock tea” taste, delivered gently in a well-balanced infusion in a civilised way. This could very well be the only traditional style Wuyi that any connoisseur would fall in love with. Taichi classInfusion colorTCM WarmTea Master's ChoiceGreat value! Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 29.10
    $ 29.10
  • Red Jade, Taiwan black tea of the TTES#18 cultivar
    $ 25.80

    Red Jade, Taiwan TTES#18 black tea

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    Fragrance of Taiwan:

    Deep in the mountains away from the tourist infested Sun Moon Lake, small tea bushes tidily populate small patches of land between tall pines, wild trees and steep slopes. A cross between Burma and a native wild tea, this Hong Yu cultivar, born right here in Yu Chi in 1999, shines with a vibrant deep green. It dominates the ambience with a smell that is both fresh and spicy. Farmers here still process black tea in small batches in the old fashioned way, though with the aid of a few new technologies for monitoring. Red Jade — the Fragrance of Taiwan — has to be so processed to that distinctive floral yet spicy aroma, minty and complex taste on a smooth body to be worthy of name. Taichi classInfusion colour: wolfberryTCM: Neutral-warm EnergyTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 25.80
    $ 25.80
  • Imperial Topaz 2016
    $ 25.80

    Imperial Topaz, matured Nepal hand-rolled black tea

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    Hand-rolled Himalayan Tips:

    Although tea from this part of the world has not been best known for smoothness, there can be exceptions provided that there is the proper knowledge and experience. Together with the work of Nature. Imperial Topaz is such a tea. Hand-rolled and masterfully processed for a soft and round profile yet rich with the distinctive mineral accents representative of the region, the bright orange infusion delivers what is best from the Himalayas coupled with the modesty and gentleness of a Chinese black. Imperial Topaz is not only a gem of Nepali tea, but also an example of what can be achieved when we tea people share and work together across boundaries. Taichi ClassInfusion colorTCM NeutralTea Master's Choice iconUSDA certified organicEU certified Organic Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 25.80
    $ 25.80
  • Original style deep oxidation Oriental Beauty oolong tea
    $ 29.90

    Oriental Beauty, deep oxidation Taiwan oolong

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    Dongfang Meiren

    To experience why this unique Taiwan white tip oolong was nicknamed Oriental Beauty by Queen Elizabeth II, you have to taste the real thing. It is perhaps the most demanding tea to process well. Harvested only once a year in summer and after the young leaves of the Qingxin Damao cultivar are bitten by a kind of tiny leafhopper«read more here», genuine Dongfang Meiren can attain its special taste profile only after following the oolong processing routine modified especially for this tea. Tea Hong’s Phong-hong tè — the original name of Oriental Beauty — is a prime selection from the origin in Hsinchu, Taiwan. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster’s Box: Nine Oolong Samplers. Taichi classMaple syrupTCM: Neutral EnergyTea Master's Choice Net weight: 50 g ( 1.8 oz ) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 29.90
    $ 29.90
  • Drum Gongfu Cup 6.4
    $ 9.90

    Drum Gongfu Cups: Set of Three

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    Unlike a wide mouth cup such as the lamp shade, or a tall cup such as a magnolia shape, a drum shape cup has a lesser ratio in surface area to volume, allowing it to hold heat relatively longer. As such, there is an advantage when the intention is to have a few sips from a cup, or when you do not want the tea to cool down too quickly because of the ambience or because the infused tea is not that hot in the first place. 3 cups in each unit.

    $ 9.90
    $ 9.90
  • Jianzi Tall Foot 150ml Gaiwan comes in three colours: Moonlight White, Sky Blue, and Jade Green
    $ 13.80

    Jianzi Tall Foot 150

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    Professional tea tasting with style

    Although this is a gaiwan developed with the requirements for standard tea tasting, at 150ml ISO capacity at below the lid cover, we have it made with all the proper ergonomic requirements, and in a great looking design. Produced in fine kaolin porcelain and gorgeously finished with a glossy overglaze. A great tool for the professional, the real connoisseur or the novice drinker.

    Each unit contains one gaiwan bowl with a lid. Choice of three colours. 

    $ 13.80
    $ 13.80
  • Organic white tea — Mini Peony
    $ 14.80

    Mini Peony, matured white tea

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    Organic Golden White Tea

    All classic tastes today had once been novel. In the category of white tea, there is much room for developing a fuller spectrum of fine tastes. Mini Peony is Tea Hong’s answer for a different tasting alternative to the classic White Peonies. Processed from a new cultivar, and grown organically in the scenic mountains in Huangshan, this smaller size version of white peony has all the goodness of genuine white tea, but delivered in the compact, less hairy orchid shape whole leaves. The gold infusion is characterised with its own distinct sweet milky notes as a fine selection in its own rights. Connoisseur's classInfusion colorTCM ColdUSDA Organic CertifiedEU Organic Certified Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 14.80
    $ 14.80
  • White tea: Premodern Peony
    $ 16.70

    Premodern Peony, deep oxidation white tea

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    Zhenghe Old Style White Tea:

    Before there were the Dai Bai cultivars for the modern White Peony, it had first been indigenous Cai Cha for producing white teas in Fujian. A lesser looking tea plant but capable of a deeper and rounder taste profile, such sexually propagated tea bushes still exist today. Presenting Tea Hong’s very own Premodern Peony — patiently processed like it used to be a century ago, and matured to our tea master’s personal liking. All the wholesomeness of white tea with a fine taste that you can keep drinking throughout the day. Connoisseur classInfusion colorTCM NeutralStaff pickTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide kraft-alu pack
    $ 16.70
    $ 16.70
  • Sold out
    Alishan Guanyin 2016
    $ 28.80

    Alishan Guanyin, deep baked Taiwan oolong

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    Slow Baked Tieguanyin:

    Over a century of development since transplanting to Taiwan, tieguanyin produced in the emerald island is quite different from its cousin in Mainland China. Not only has the cultivar evolved differently, but also the more authentic technique with which it is produced. Tea Hong’s Alishan Guanyin has a fuller and smoother taste profile. Its distinction is possible through the finesse in its slow baking. Master Chen, who bakes also our Cold Peak, has elevated the processing into an art of leaves and fire.  

    Taichi classMaple syrupTCM: Neutral EnergyTea Master's Choice Net weight: 70 g (2.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 28.80
    $ 28.80
  • Keemun Snails 2016
    $ 26.10

    Keemun Snails, traditional black tea

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    Fragrant Curls:

    If you prefer a simpler taste profile than our Keemun Traditional Supreme, but want to enjoy the character of a Keemun black tea, Keemun Snails maybe the one tea for you. Slightly sweeter and lighter than the former, these tightly rolled tiny little swirls releases a gently warm and yet floral and sweet aroma to help you slowly start off your day, or move it along. Deliciously different from the bitterness of many other blacks, the fine taste from these wriggles maybe a pleasant twist from your previous perceptions of this beverage category. Delta classInfusion colour: Dark AmberNeutral EnergyStaff Pick iconGreat value! Net weight: 80 g (2.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 26.10
    $ 26.10
  • Yunnan Golden 2017
    $ 13.70

    Yunnan Golden, traditional black tea

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    The People’s Black Tea:

    It is said that the first Yunnan black tea was made here in Feng Qing. It is also the origin of the golden tippy tea that was presented as a national gift to Queen Elizabeth II when she first visited China in 1986. To us, what matters more is the pleasant, oatsy tea liquor with that distinct apple flavour and slight bite of citrus that you can drink all day, leaving the mouth feeling fresh and moist anytime in the subtlest way. This friendly taste profile is possible only with select first flush, non-blended leaves properly processed and baked optimally for balance of fragrance and dryness. Our staff says it is the people’s tea. Aptly named.

    Connoisseur classinfusion color: WolfberryTCM character: neutral warmStaff PickGreat value!

    Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack

    $ 13.70
    $ 13.70
  • Lincang Centenarians 2016
    $ 20.20

    Lincang Centenarians, traditional black tea

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    Gold Needles Supreme:

    Deep in the mountains in Lincang, native tree type tea plants have prospered for millenniums. There are so many huge tea trees that people say this is where tea itself originated. From these old tea forests we have reserved some finest first flushes for producing our special quality Dianhong. For drinkers who feel Yunnan Golden is too easy tasting, and Dianhong Classic too smooth, Lincang Centenarians has a complexity that is possible only from leaves slowly grown on old trees and which roots reach deep enough for the richest of minerals in the mountain soils. Same luscious taste profile as the finest classic Dianhong, yet tinkling with more notes.

    Delta classinfusion color: wolfberryTCM character: neutral warmTea Master's choiceGreat value!

    Net weight: 60 g (2.1 oz) in Kraft-alu pack

    $ 20.20
    $ 20.20
  • Dianhong Classic, the black tea of Yunnan
    $ 17.70

    Dianhong Classic, traditional black tea

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    Feng Qing Golden Tip:

    Some people think that the more the golden tip, the better the quality of a black tea. For a real connoisseur, however, it is the taste profile made possible by properly managing all the variables throughout production that matters. Don’t be convinced by the rich dark chocolate aroma of the dry leaves either. What matters is the round and complex body in the clear deep golden red liquor possible only with the first flush leaves from the deep mountains in Fengqing, the origin of Dianhong.

    Chrysanthemum classinfusion color: wolfberryTCM character: neutral warmGreat value!

    Net weight: 50 g ( 1.8 oz ) in Kraft-alu pack

    $ 17.70
    $ 17.70
  • Sold out
    GABA Orange
    $ 28.80

    GABA Orange Extra, de-oxygenised oxidation Taiwan oolong

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    Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Enriched:

    There maybe a few other options of GABA tea out there, but to produce one that is fine tasting as well as organic requires real experience, dedication and stringent process management. Presenting GABA Orange from Nantou, Taiwan. Our answer to those of you wanting naturally formed GABA from a nice tasting oolong, with that touch of orange wonderfully developed in the tealeaves themselves. Nature always has surprises for us. We just have to work with it to make it happen. ( What is GABA? ) Taichi ClassInfusion colour: Dark AmberNeutral EnergyTea Master's Choice icon Net weight: 70 g (2.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 28.80
    $ 28.80
  • White Peony Classic Long
    $ 23.10

    White Peony Classic Long, traditional white tea

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    Zhenghe Mudan Wang

    While White Peony from Fuding tastes more floral, that from the other earliest region, Zhenghe, tastes longer and deeper. The more tedious curing process is marked by the darker colors on the leaves. While many prize Silver Needle Supreme for its delicate taste and furry appearance, a superb traditional white tea as White Peony Classic Long delivers a more impressive taste experience. That may explain why this Mudan Wang, aka King of White Peony, is considered the best and most classical representation from the origin,  and a favourite by many tea connoisseurs. As most aficionados prefer it, we have always matured this tea adequately before releasing it in the shop. The current stock is a single batch first flush ( i.e. pre-Qing-ming ) that we have matured in our environment since its harvest in 2019. Taichi ClassInfusion colorTCM Neutral-coolStaff pickTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 23.10
    $ 23.10
  • The downy young leaves of White Peony Classic Floral traditional white tea
    $ 23.10

    White Peony Classic Floral, traditional white tea

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    Finest Fuding Bai Mudan

    Slowly cured in the grand tradition in the origin of white teas, Fuding, Tea Hong's White Peony Classic Floral maintains the original character of floral aroma with a sweet, refreshing taste. White Peony Classic Floral is a first flush from a high altitude garden of pure Fuding Daibai cultivar, ensuring the best possible health potency of white tea. We have matured the current batch since Spring 2019 in our environment to ensure the best possible gastronomic experience. icon-taichiInfusion colorTCM CoolStaff pickTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide kraft-alu pack
    $ 23.10
    $ 23.10
  • Sold out
    Wudong Cassia Phoenix Oolong
    $ 30.30

    Wudong Cassia, Phoenix dancong oolong

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    Rougui Xiang Dancong

    Although the name rougui is the same as that variety from Wuyi, this tea is from a pure breed Fenghuang Dancong Shuixian cultivar. Sexual propagation of tea trees does give happy surprises and this is an example of it. Discovered and isolated in 1970 by a horticulturalist Mr Wei and has maintained a low profile to avoid unneeded trouble during the height of Cultural Revolution, the cultivar Fenghuang Rougui Xiang Dancong  is only gradually picking up attention recently. Not all farmers are doing it right. It is a slow growing tea and only one harvest per year. We think every leaf is worth the search. ClassInfusion colour: GoldTCM character: NeutralStaff pickTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 30.30
    $ 30.30
  • Bada 2007
    $ 26.70

    Bada 2011, Pu’er shu cha

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    Traditional Premium Shu Cha :

    At 1800 m elevation, the temperature difference between day and night can easily be over 15°C even on a hot summer day. That is deep in the mountains in He Song of the Bada region in Xishuangbanna. Leaves grow much slower here, accumulated in them a little bit more plant protein, and the rich minerals from the pristine mountain soils. We pick whole sun-withered leaves from these native tea trees to process and mature into our premium grade shu cha pu’er. Presenting Bada, possibly the richest, deepest, and yet roundest post-fermented tea there is. Chrysanthemum classInfusion colorTCM NeutralGreat valueStaff pickTea Master's Choice Net weight: 120 g (4.2 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 26.70
    $ 26.70
  • Sold out
    Classic White Utility Gaiwan 150
    $ 15.00

    Classic White Utility Gaiwan 150

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    150 ml is an important capacity for infusion vessel, because this is one of the standard sizes specified by ISO for preparing tea for tasting. That is also why we think this classic bell shape white china gaiwan is so useful as a utility infusion ware. It is also a large enough size for serving up enough tea using the gongfu approach, yet small enough for most hand sizes to handle. Produced by a very small studio in Chaozhou ( the "capital" of gongfu tea ) using a half-mould, half-handmade process, the thinness at brim of the bowl is ideal for smooth liquid flow and heat management. Choice of white porcelain and bone china.
    $ 15.00
    $ 15.00
  • Meizhan Classic 2015
    $ 24.70

    Meizhan Classic, Wuyi yancha oolong

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    Wuyi's Secret Ingredient

    Like Rou Gui and Shuixian, Meizhan has long been a major production cultivar in Wuyi. It has never attained that level of prestige like the other two though. Perhaps because traders want to hide a big secret. It is a major ingredient to blend with other varieties to produce what flood the high end market with labels of Red Cloak, Tieluohan, Shuijin Gui or such fancy traditional rare teas. We think it deserves a place of its own. Introducing Tea Hong’s Wuyi Meizhan. Enjoy its sweet floral aroma uniquely finished with a just right Wuyi style firing. A great tea for all occasions. No fancy names, just pure quality at great value. Taichi classinfusion color: goldTCM character: neutralstaff pickTea Master's choicegreat value Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 24.70
    $ 24.70
  • Bulang maocha, pu'er shengcha tea
    $ 15.50

    Bulang Maocha 2016, Pu’er shengcha

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    Forest Tree Tea:

    Deep in the mountains in Xishuangbanna in southern Yunnan tea trees grow wild amongst other woods and plants in Bulang Shan. Ethnic mountain people, particularly women, bring with them wood ladders and a plank for platform for plucking in tea season, perhaps as it has always been since antiquity. As a continuation of this tradition, Bulang Silver Spring is hand-processed and slow dried over wood charcoal the same way. This shengcha puer is bright and refreshing when consumed as a new tea, or can be put away for maturity. Delta classCanaryTCM Neutral-cool Energy TaichiStaff pickGreat value Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 15.50
    $ 15.50
  • Tieguanyin Classic Mellow 2005
    $ 23.00

    Tieguanyin Classic, deep baked oolong

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    Bamboo basket charcoal rebaked

    We have matured this special batch of tieguanyin for long enough before double baking it the traditional way in a bamboo basket with charcoal ash. To attain an ideal result from this traditional practice requires proper conditioning and in-depth know how. Tieguanyin Classic is one of Tea Hong's best value oolongs. Enjoy the warm, soothing aroma as hot water touches the leaves. Then the characteristic tastes of a classic tieguanyin delivered in a round, smooth body with a unique sweetness. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster’s Box: Nine Oolong Samplers. Connoisseur ClassInfusion colorTCM Neutral WarmStaff pickGreat value Net weight: 120 g (4.2 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 23.00
    $ 23.00
  • Cream of Puer 2013
    $ 25.10

    Cream of Pu’er 2015, naturally formed shu cha tea nuggets

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    Spring Cha Tou:

    During the many re-shufflings of the leaves in the post-fermentation process, some of the most tender leaf shoots with naturally higher percentage of pectin stick together, forming these small nuggets. Since they have the highest concentration of vitality substances but less bitter ones as the youngest of the leaves, ‘cha tou’ tastes smoother, sweeter and softer. Tea Hong’s top quality Cream of Puer is made only from prime spring harvests for even better taste and health compositions. A real treat for people who enjoy shu cha pu’er. Chrysanthemum classInfusion colorTCM characterGreat valueStaff pick Net weight: 150 g (5.3 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 25.10
    $ 25.10
  • Sold out
    Danhu Old Bush Song Cultivar 2014
    $ 52.90

    Danhu Old Bush Song Cultivar, Phoenix dancong oolong

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    A very special Huangzhi Xiang

    Cutting away from the main trail towards the more visited Zhongxin Yin and Lizai Ping, hidden away behind a spur, there is this tiny secluded enclave in Wudong by the name of Danhu. As the mecca of Fenghuang Dancong, where the oldest form of oolong is the de facto tea to produce, Wudong is one of the major mounts of the Phoenix Mountains. Outside of the 7 major villages listed administratively, there are actually many other small areas where a few or even a couple of households make up a small tea haven of their own.  Shaded on the north of the dark rock mountain, it is cool here even at 4 pm on a summer day. The tea forests here are mostly bushes 2 to 3 meters tall. Occasional 3 to 5 meter ones, each occupying a circular clearing around them, growing gloriously with their wide-spread crowns. Tiny patches of vegetables grown here and there under tea trees. The few families here have been tea farmers since their grandfathers remembered. As to when the old bush for our Song Cultivar have been here, no one can really tell. Omega classInfusion colorTCM character: Neutral coolTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 52.90
    $ 52.90
  • Big White 2016
    $ 17.50

    Big White Leaf, Phoenix dancong oolong

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    Fenghuang Da Baiye:

    Produced using a Phoenix native cultivar Da Baiye ( i.e. Big White Leaf ), and has certain taste similarity as the rarer Song Cultivar Huangzhi Xiang, this tea is popular amongst traders for use as a substitute for the pricier label. Tea Hong’s top quality selection, Big White Leaf is certainly a good demonstration of how this tea can fool the lesser experienced connoisseurs. That said, however, the trained tongue can certainly tell it is a fine tea on its own for the uniqueness in its floral aroma, silky texture and soft, smooth body. Chrysanthemum classInfusion colorTCM character: Neutral CoolStaff pickGreat valueTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 17.50
    $ 17.50
  • Honey Orchid Supreme 2014
    $ 35.80

    Honey Orchid Supreme, classic Phoenix dancong oolong

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    Old Bush Milan Xiang:

    For real aficionados who would not be satisfied until they have discovered a deeper depth, a rounder fullness and a more lingering sweetness, we’d go overboard to offer the extreme. Rarest small batches of leaves from special bushes individually processed only by top masters. Such as this supreme quality Milan Xiang Dancong. For those who demand more potential from the leaves for fulfilling their infusion skills. For thirsty souls seeking a moment of tranquility in the depth of the tinkling after-sweetness of Honey Orchid Supreme. ClassInfusion colorTCM character: NeutralStaff pickTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 35.80
    $ 35.80
  • Phoenix Classic 2016
    $ 19.80

    Phoenix Classic, dancong oolong

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    Fenghuang Baiye:

    Before Chaozhou Guest Hotel was privatised, this officially appointed lodging for visiting high-ranking government officials used to serve only classic style Phoenix oolongs in all of their restaurants*. Tea Hong’s Phoenix Classic could well be the special quality in the large white porcelain teapot on the breakfast table sitting next to bamboo steamers holding finely crafted dim sums for the privileged guests. All fine and quintessential characters of the classic Phoenix oolong can be found in this tea — Sweet, fruity, and lively with notes of peach and dried longan, lychee and sweet potato. A proud heritage of Guangdong oolong. Chrysanthemum classInfusion colorTCM characterStaff pickGreat value Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 19.80
    $ 19.80
  • Sold out
    Eight Immortals Wudong 2016
    $ 29.50

    Eight Immortals Wudong, Phoenix dancong oolong

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    Baxian Supreme:

    This Fenghuang Dancong is rare in many ways. It is the best Eight Immortals we have tasted, including award winning ones. Not only is it mild but flavorful like a good Baxian should be, but also gently and yet persistently fragrant. The baked finish is optimise for depth in taste. This gives side benefits for friendliness to the weaker stomach as well as the potential for maturity. Not an easy task for making a bouquet style Phoenix oolong. Master Lin who grows this is a shy and mild person and an old friend. We could not be offering it at such great value otherwise. Taichi classInfusion colorTCM CoolStaff pickTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 29.50
    $ 29.50
  • Green tea: Taiping Houkui Traditional
    $ 28.80

    Taiping Houkui Traditional, green tea of shidaye cultivar

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    Small batch charcoal baked

    For those more demanding connoisseurs who want to enjoy the beautiful and unique appearance of Taiping Houkui, this supreme traditional quality delivers the most enjoyable taste profile of this variety. Produced from a unique cultivar — Shidaye, Houkui is a green tea many times the size of any other. It is also different in taste. Much lighter in astringency and not bitter at all, yet substantially velvety in tactility, when infused properly. Tea Hong's Taiping Houkui Traditional is masterfully hand processed from only the best first flush in the origin and optimally baked to manifest the tea's  complex lightness and floral characters using a wood-charcoal made by the tea master himself. «Read more»  Delta classInfusion colorTCM Cold Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in wide Kraft-alu pack
    $ 28.80
    $ 28.80
  • Taiwan oolong Cold Peak, aka Dong Ding
    $ 28.90

    Cold Peak, matured Taiwan oolong

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    Dong Ding Classic:

    The traditional style of baking Taiwan oolong is a vanishing art. That is one reason older connoisseurs are saying tea is not tasting like it used to. Indeed not many tea practitioners are doing it. One of them is Yu Wen, one of our Taiwan farmers. She is dedicated to bringing that heritage back in vogue. Taiwan oolong properly baked is healthier and friendlier to the stomach for everyone after all, and used to be what makes Cold Peak — Dong Ding — the quintessential Taiwan oolong — soft, sweet and with a warm, nectarous aroma. We proudly present to you this Taiwan wonder optimally matured for enjoyment anytime upon delivery. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster’s Box: Nine Oolong Samplers. Taichi ClassGoldTCM: Neutral EnergyStaff pick Net weight: 70 g (2.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow
    $ 28.90
    $ 28.90
  • Taiwan oolong: Eternal Spring
    $ 22.80

    Eternal Spring, floral winter oolong

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    Tea Hong's specially made Taiwan oolong

    Winter harvest Taiwan oolongs have always been prized for crispier floral fragrance, as in the case of autumn Minnan Tieguanyins, except that Taiwan ones generally have softer bodies and aromas. While maintaining these characters, Tea Hong’s Eternal Spring excels with an exceptionally green freshness and yet a fine oolong sweetness. A taste profile most friendly for oolong rookies and yet with such unique quality that can complement any serious connoisseur’s collection. This tea is also available in a small portion as a part of Tea Taster’s Box: Nine Oolong Samplers. Delta class iconLemon yellowTCM: Cold EnergyStaff pickGreat value Net weight: 70 g (2.5 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow pack
    $ 22.80
    $ 22.80
  • Phoenix Dancong Oolong: Snow Orchid
    $ 21.40

    Snow Orchid, bouquet Phoenix dancong oolong

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    Xuepian Ya-shi Xiang:

    Finer winter Phoenix oolongs have always been sought after for their unforgettable natural bouquet fragrances. To us, an aroma of a premium tea has to be complete with a winning taste profile. It has taken us over a decade to fine tune the mastery of the processing of the choicest harvest to attain a result we can be proud of. Presenting Tea Hong’s very own Snow Orchid, the roundest, smoothest, and by far the most seductively fragrant oolong ever known. It is our luscious indulgence secretly from Nature. Taichi classMorning sun yellowTCM: Cold EnergyStaff pickTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 21.40
    $ 21.40
  • Lapsang Souchong Pristine 2017
    $ 22.20

    Lapsang Souchong Pristine, traditional black tea

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    Tongmuguan* Original and Unsmoked:

    Presenting the original, authentic and prime quality Lapsang Souchong. Small, tightly rolled whole leaves with a black sheen. Non-smoked. 100% hand-plucked first flush. For a pure, fruity sweet and warmly aromatic cup of untainted black tea. Just like how they used to have it in the captain’s cabin in an East Indian Trading clipper two centuries ago, when they had just loaded the ship with the year’s fresh tea to race home for the eagerly awaiting tea merchants all over Europe. Taichi classinfusion color: wolfberryTCM character: neutral warmStaff PickGreat value! Net weight: 60 g (2.1 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 22.20
    $ 22.20
  • Sacred Lily 2016
    $ 27.10

    Sacred Lily, Wuyi yancha oolong

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    Prime of Wuyi Pedigrees:

    Through years of researches a fine cultivar carrying the best traits of all the finest Wuyi natural cultivars is now mature and producing. Introducing Tea Hong’s Sacred Lily. Perhaps the most beautiful of all Wuyi oolongs. Grown deep in the steep mountains away from the touristy spots and masterfully processed for subtlety, complexity, and smoothness in taste. A tea that no true oolong connoisseur should miss. icon-taichiInfusion colour: GoldNeutral EnergyStaff Pick iconTea Master's Choice iconGreat value! Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 27.10
    $ 27.10
  • Sold out
    Orchid Literati 2014
    $ 41.30

    Orchid Literati, Phoenix dancong oolong

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    Caolan Dancong — Duck Poo Tea

    As a person continues to discover tea, sometimes finding one with subtle and yet complex fineness seems a lot more exciting than one with strong impressions. That is how we feel when we got hold of this. The locals aptly name it “Cao-lan” (Cymbidium goeringii), the rare orchid which ancient Chinese literati had revered for millenniums for its understated beauty and fragrance*. The long, sweet yet subtle taste and aftertaste of this tea echos the sentiments for the civilized persistence for humanity virtues of the classic eras. If you enjoy our Eight Immortals, Orchid Literati will take you to another level. Trinity classinfusion color: goldTCM character: coolStaff pickTea Master's choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 41.30
    $ 41.30
  • Shiguping Wulong 2015
    $ 31.90

    Shiguping Wulong, rare Phoenix oolong

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    Rare Indigenous Cultivar:

    To us, offering the extremely rare Shiguping Wulong is not a challenge enough. We think we should give you the best of its kind. Trekking further deep into the mountain above the elusive main village of Shiguping, we found the patch of land which the locals called Liao-xi-ya, where it all began. The tea is softer, yet fuller and even more complex than that in the main village. The very original Shiguping Wulong*, as highly acclaimed by the man who devoted all of his life in advocating oolongs of Phoenix, the 74 years-old tea specialist Huang Bozi. icon-taichiCanaryTCM Neutral-cool Energy TaichiStaff Pick iconTea Master's Choice icon Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 31.90
    $ 31.90
  • Sold out
    Huangshan Cuiyu
    $ 14.80

    Huangshan Maofeng Classic, traditional green tea

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    A quintessential traditional pre-rain green tea

    Huangshan Maofeng green tea is a must-have souvenir when one visits Huangshan. However, even if you know the way to real teashops rather than tourist traps, a pack of such quality as Tea Hong's Cuiyu would come at a high price. That is why this pleasant tasting and slightly sweet baked green tea is a most popular item not only for our retail, but also export. To maintain consistent high quality, we employ only harvest before the lunar almanac demarkation of “guyu” — the first rain for seeding, around early to mid-April. "Yuqian" — before the rain — is the traditional term for this. Connoisseur's classinfusion color: lemon yellowTCM character: coolStaff pickGreat value Net weight: 35 g (1.2 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 14.80
    $ 14.80
  • Sold out
    Virtue Bell (Plum / bamboo)
    $ 310.00

    Virtue Bell (Plum / bamboo)



    Artist: Li Qiang (National Associate Master Industrial Artist) Pot style: De-zhong (Virtue Bell) Capacity: 170 ml Year: 2013 李強(國家助理工藝美術師) 朱砂(龍血砂)
    $ 310.00
    $ 310.00
  • Sold out
    Reverse Handle Concubine / Daoba Xishi
    $ 193.00

    Reverse Handle Concubine



    Artist: Xu Zhi-bing (National Associate Master Industrial Artist) Pot style: Daoba Xishi (Reverse Handle Concubine) Material: zisha Capacity: 200 ml Year: 2012 徐志兵(國家助理工藝美術師) 紫砂
    $ 193.00
    $ 193.00
  • Sold out
    Wide Mouth Duo Qiu
    $ 730.00

    Wide Mouth Duo Qiu



    Artist-mark: Zhang Shi Min (detail unknown) Pot style: Duo Qiu Material: Traditional quality zhu-ni Capacity: 235 ml Year: Unknown 底款:張士苠(此藝人資料不詳) 日期不詳、老壺 原朱泥
    $ 730.00
    $ 730.00
  • Sold out
    Qingni Stone Ladle / Shi-piao
    $ 550.00

    Stone Ladle (Shi-piao)



    Artist: unknown, artist mark: Ju-hua Pot style: Shi Piao (Stone Ladle) Material: Qing-ni (Yixing blue clay) Capacity: 230 ml Year: Unknown 底款:中國宜興 蓋款:巨華、藝人不詳 日期不詳、老壺 青泥
    $ 550.00
    $ 550.00
  • Sold out
    $ 88.00




    Artist: Dong Wei Jen Pot name/style: Ru-ding (Caldron legs in the form of nipples) 2012 Material: Qingshui-ni Capacity: 195 ml 東惟珍 2012 清水泥
    $ 88.00
    $ 88.00
  • Sold out
    Bamboo Drum
    $ 210.00

    Bamboo Drum



    Artist: Zhao Ming Jia Pot name/style: Double Line Bamboo Drum 2012 Material: Wuhui Shao (Straw-covered low temperature refired) Capacity: 205 ml 周明家 2012 摀灰燒
    $ 210.00
    $ 210.00
  • Sold out
    Minute Celeste
    $ 240.00

    Minute Celeste



    Artist: Yixing Teapot Factory#1 Pot name/style: Xiao Cang Tian (Celeste, small version), date unknown Material: matured Duanni Capacity: 130 ml 宜興一廠、日期不詳 老段泥
    $ 240.00
    $ 240.00
  • Sold out
    Wise Bead
    $ 500.00

    Wisdom (Prajñā)



    Artist: Li Qiang, National Associate Master Industrial Artist Pot name: Zhizhu (Wisdom — Prajñā) 2012 Pot style: Sangbian Material: Zisha (with duan-ni granules) Capacity: 255 ml 李強(國家助理工藝美術師)2012 紫砂(渾段泥粒)
    $ 500.00
    $ 500.00
  • Sold out
    Da Hong Pao
    $ 360.00

    Da Hong Pao



    Artist: (in the name of) Shi Xiao Ma, National Senior Master Industrial Artist Pot name/style: Fanggu (In the shape of the ancient drum) 2011 (signed 1976) Material: Da Hong Pao Capacity: 275 ml (仿)施小馬(國家高級工藝美術師)2011 (題1976) 大紅袍泥
    $ 360.00
    $ 360.00
  • Sold out
    Round Ear Xiaoying
    $ 100.00

    Round Ear Xiaoying



    Artist: Zhang Zun, National Industrial Artist Pot name/style: Round Ear Xiaoying 2012 Material: Zisha Capacity: 180 ml 張俊(國家工藝美術員)2011 紫砂
    $ 100.00
    $ 100.00
  • Sold out
    Dragon Egg
    $ 82.00

    Dragon Egg



    Artist: Zhang Zun, National Industrial Artist Pot name/style: Dragon Egg 2011 Material: Zisha Capacity: 200 ml 張俊(國家工藝美術員)2011 紫砂
    $ 82.00
    $ 82.00
  • Sold out
    Virtue Bell
    $ 480.00

    Virtue Bell



    Artist: Xu Yan Ping, National Industrial Artist Pot name/style: De Zhong (Virtue Bell), 2011 Material: Original Huanglongshan Zhuni Capacity: 200 ml 許艷萍 (國家工藝美術員) 2011 黃龍山原礦朱泥
    $ 480.00
    $ 480.00
  • Sold out
    Clear Spring
    $ 420.00

    Clear Spring



    Artist: Bao Rong Jun, National Industrial Artist Pot name: Qing Chuan (Clear Spring) 2011 Pot style: Panhu Material: Original Huanglongshan Zisha Capacity: 150 ml 包榮軍 (國家工藝美術員) 2011 黃龍山原礦紫砂
    $ 420.00
    $ 420.00
  • Standard Taster’s Mug, Small
    $ 12.80

    Standard Taster’s Mug, Small

    The 150ml standard taster’s mug is a most indispensable tool for traders, teashop owners and serious connoisseurs. Its smaller size lessens considerably unnecessary wastage, especially when tasting for finer, and thereby more expensive, teas. We have this one handmade in Dehua, where the highly acclaimed white porcelain, Blanc de chine originated.
    $ 12.80
    $ 12.80
  • $ 23.10

    Luan Guapian Traditional, handcrafted green tea

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    The sweetness in a unique bitter green

    Unlike other green teas that are prized for plucking early in Spring, leaves of Da Guazi need to be quite grown and spread in order to make a fine Luan Guapian. This gives the proper biochemistry that yields enough pectin for the tea's signature velvety texture and unique bitter character. This is possible only with a special local cultivar — Da Guazi — Big Melon Seed, hence the funny name. Some say it takes enough experience in life for a person to appreciate the bitterness in a food or drink. We think maybe it only takes a person with a truly sensitive taste faculty to understand and prize such a wonderful tea. Delta classInfusion colorTCM ColdGreat value! Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 23.10
    $ 23.10
  • $ 12.80

    Raw Reserve 2009, partially post-fermented Pu’er shengcha

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    Old Style Dark Tea:

    Fine pu’er tea produced by darkening shengcha (raw tea, or maocha) naturally through maturity has a distinct and pleasant herbaceous high note. It is a lost art that mass production has come to replace. To deliver the pleasant tasting effect of Tea Hong Raw Reserve requires much specialistic attention in the process that is not common in the trade nowadays. This is what good pu'er used to taste like before controlled post-fermentation. Chrysanthemum classInfusion colorTCM Neutral-cool Net weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) in Kraft-alu pillow pack
    $ 12.80
    $ 12.80
  • Menghai Spring 2004
    $ 19.90

    Menghai Spring 2004, Pu’er shu cha

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    Private Reserve Classic Pu’er:

    Maturing of dark tea demand good scientific understanding of the process and experienced selection of initial batches. We have devised a special approach to deliver quality incomparable by others at even higher price points. Tea Hong’s Menghai Spring is prized for its dark liquor with a silkily smooth body but without being too soft. A classic representation of fine “shu cha” puer. Chrysanthemum classInfusion colorTCM NeutralGreat valueStaff pick Net weight: 100 g (3.5 oz) in Kraft Alu Pack
    $ 19.90
    $ 19.90
  • Gold Stallion — Jun Jun Mei — traditional black tea
    $ 19.10

    Gold Stallion, traditional black tea

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    Wuyi Jinjun Mei:

    Produced using a newly redeveloped cultivar in the deep mountains of Wuyi in the much renowned black tea origin, Xingcun, Gold Stallion may look like a finer version of golden tippy Yunnan black tea, but it actually has a much more sophisticated taste and aroma profile in the grand Northern Fujian black tea tradition. It has only recently been popularly available outside of the exclusive circle of the rich and powerful in China. Delta class iconInfusion colorTCM NeutralStaff Pick Net weight: 60 g (2.1 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 19.10
    $ 19.10
  • Red Cloak Grande 2016
    $ 33.80

    Red Cloak Grande, Wuyi yancha oolong

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    Centenary Bush Dahong Pao:

    The most revered amongst all Wuyi oolongs, Da Hongpao (translate: Big Red Cloak) from the pure pedigree grown in better horticultural environment mean significant difference and are most sought after. Tea Hong’s Red Cloak Grande is an extremely limited production (10 kg/year) harvested from two second generation noble breed that are over 100 yrs old in the heights of Wuyi. Masterfully processed to best deliver the taste this name represents. Taichi classInfusion colorTCM WarmTea Master's Choice Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 33.80
    $ 33.80
  • Narcissus Classic 2016
    $ 22.10

    Narcissus Classic, Wuyi yancha oolong

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    Dark Rock Shuixian:

    This tea may have the same name as some low quality tea used in dimsum restaurants but it certainly tastes differently. It is the ORIGINAL Shuixian, the famous oolong that grows on dark rock cliffs in the depth of Wuyi Mountains. Narcissus Classic, like most other deeper baked oolongs, goes well with a wide range of cuisines and desserts and is a great digestive. Also an adaptable tea for preparation with other ingredients, such as ginger and raw sugar, and a safer tea for the weaker stomach. Chrysanthemum classInfusion colorTCM Warm Net weight: 40 g (1.4 oz) in Kraft-alu pack
    $ 22.10
    $ 22.10

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